

Ask @angeluhh23

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being embarrassed ? theirs nothing to be, im just not going to not gonna fight through here you got it all wrong :/ im disappointing no im just doing the right thing to keep your drama away from me .. and your all about drama get it right

jen (:
really? youre not embarrased of your actions, and your 5 year old comebacks? ha, your no self respect was clear from the start. no jen, YOU have your right from wrong confused and that's nobody's fault but yours. ITS A DAMN SQUAD YOU DONT GET TO PICK WHEN YOU WANT TO DEAL WITH EACHOTHER, so for you it WAS a squad. you owed me for being such a good friend to you last year and dragging you out of the ditch you were. you repayed me for a while but you were never able to get me out and nobody's going to be able bc thats on me. your debt is paid if thats what you were in it for you can fucking leave.
i hate drama, but if thats what you gunna spit thats what im gunna throw right back at you.

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Why does it have to be like this with you and her :(

bc we all have a limit, they went way over mine and i honestly dont plan on "forgiving" them until i forgive myself. even then, things will probably not be the same.
Liked by: cesar jenny:) Berenice

Yes I did but how Is she "shady" now

it was pretty funny, i gotta admit lol
mm its hard to explain. well lets just say she started to have a thing w. royce, which put me and felicity in a really awkward situation for many reasons. we were goofing off at lunch like usual then out of no where felicity asks her what royce "calls" her. we have a problem w. interrupting people, so before she could speak i said "the same thing every guy calls her" one of the girls asked "what" and i said " a slut" it was a joke and she took it up the butt woth no good reason bc they always make jokes about me so. she started saying "you guys don't understand me ive never felt this way before" i started laughing and said "you say that about every guy" im not saying she's easy or anything but she literally says that about every guy that's decent looking and says nice things to her. so she had already taken the joke up the butt and now w. this she shoved it in deeper to the point she even moved tables. from then on she started avoiding DM's and barely talked to me, i didnt care is aid what i needed to say. she obviousky got back at me the other day and felicity shut her up real quick. you'd have to be inside the situation to see it.

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Liked by: yoana jenny:) cesar

k angela you just got a little something missing in your brain im not fighting threw social media so im done here an were talking when I see you theres a lot to that you don know about my reasons an actions and Royce isn't any part of that. And I cause drama no please hahahah quit making bs up.

jen (:
OO STOP USING LAME ASS COMEBACKS THAT COME RIGHT BACK TO YA AND BITE YOU IN THE ASS JEN. you're the one here missing a lot of shit in yo head, ive been as open as i could be to every single one of y'all when it came to the jason situation then y'all turn around and use it for some "adventure" in what kind of sick world is playing w. someones mind and feelings adventure. if you want adventure do something w. ya life, dont be fucking w. mine. if talking is what you want go ahead run yo mouth, just make sure its bs free bc other than that i aint saying one word to you. youre dissapointing and i got one big ass theory of why you actin like this, but ill save that for later since you dont wanna be embarrassed on social medias. causing drama's what you doin now, but that aint non my buisness. byeee :*

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Why is Jennifer now "Jenn Shady"

looks like you just came up w. that name yourself, bc never in a million years would i have thought of that.
Liked by: jenny:) cesar

They must be really messed up your the Nicest most caring and forgiving person I know and if they did something to make you not like them it must be pretty bad

AWW, thanks
Liked by: cesar

obviously you do cause from the start me an Royce were nvr going to happen and it wont ever, you clearly dont know the situation between us. and im done talking about Royce he has nothing to do w. my actions towards you. the reason I have been ignoring your dms is cause mostly theyve been drama just

jen (:
mm no, and you took that comeback from me so clearly i'd know wtf im talking about. you were one of bestfriends and royce is one of my bestfriends, telling me idk what went on? lol bs, i had full on insight of that. youre not royce's type, of course that wasnt gunna happen *laughing emoji* then you had no damn reason to be acting shady asf but you still did. mm ok, so all of a sudden when you and royce start to have a thing you avoid me and felicity's dm's, oook.

What's the deal with Berenice and Jennifer I thought you were friends :(

we're friends but thats about it

I've been acting shady ? Sense the Royce thing ? Haha no ....Talk to me why , and before you Start posting and getting shit twisted

jen (:
i dont have shit twisted and dont need to clear up the damn obvious. you HAVE been shady asf since the royce thing and there aint no denying, you kinda just fell back into the background and sided w. berenice mainly. on all of our dm's you started being rude and just not caring, i even took you out for a while. its alright though, no biggie you keep doing you ill keep doing me.
Liked by: yoana

And the word says that it is a sin

i know. that doesnt change how much God loves us, or at least thats how i see it. he made us, he died for us, he knows we're not at all perfect.
Liked by: cesar

opinion on gay marriage?

literally more than hallf of gay guys / men are the most attractive to the female sex, like wth thats not fair. i honestly dont care, its not anybody's place to judge that. if there's one thing human's cant control its their feelings towards other people. my parents are SUPER against that, but i frankly dont care. it doesnt affect me or them in anyways so i dont understand why its such a big deal. God loves everyone so.

yah but not in front of the whole schuul

well girl the whole point of cutting your thighs is so people wont see the cuts, thats why you cut your upper thighs. im not saying you should do that bc im totally against self harm but if you did it you did it and you cant be hiding it the rest of your life. stop doing it, and just embrace it. i mean i used to be SO self conscious about my thighs bc well theyre huge. back then they were bigger theyre more "toned" now so i frankly dgaf. but this summer all i would wear were shorts and that was huge for me bc throwing it back to second grade shorts were my worst enemy. i would wear leggings under all my shorts just so people wouldnt see how fat my thighs were. i at one point cut them as weel but not where everyone could see. i have scars too, from just scabs i wouldnt let heal. dont make a big deal about it and just go with it, it'll be fine.

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Why won't he tho? Do you feel bad for him?

well he said he's afraid he's "not my type" & that "i'll tell everyone & that "things will be awkward", other than that idk man. YES, i feel bad for him. i dont want anybody to ever feel that way, especially not towards me.
Liked by: Gavinn


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