

Ask @angeluhh23

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How so?

being depressed is over rated
technology is really high atm
social medias are everywhere
people are constantly interacting w. eachother
being shy is really overrated too
Liked by: Berenice Brack

I miss u :'( and enchilada and bere and Steph and squad and Brandon tbh. I have no one to fight with here

i missed you too, i oiterally went to the other hall looking for you after 3rd hour :( brandon didnt miss you, his whole table was gone for a while excpet him lol.
Liked by: Berenice Brack

Do u like Brandon? Like in a ❤️ way

no, i mean he's really cute and has a great personality, but I don't like him like that. we're just really good friends(: plus he doesnt want to date till after college and i dont think i wanna date till freshman almost sophomore more year

If you can could convince anyone of anything just once, who would it be and what would you convince them?

HA not answering the who part, but to take better care of themselves and their future.
Liked by: Berenice Brack

What's your view on drugs, alcohol, and partying?

drugs im against bc you throw your life in the trash everytime you do them, you could get in serious trouble if caught and theyre just not good for you. i dont see the point in getting high for an hour but being in jail for years.
alchohol, haha thats a different story. honestly most beer tastes nasty, but there's some really good tequila & some beer tastes good & alcopops are real freaking good. but dont drink too much bc then you look really trashy and it hurts your organs. other than that im good w. drinking(:
partying? it doesnt have to be a oarty for you to have fun w. your life. i have nothing against them.

If the world ended right now who would you want to die with? And what would you be doing?

this hurts the heart omg. I'll answer the second part though, probably eating pizza & apple sauce bc i hate apples. and going through old pictures(:
Liked by: Berenice

If you had to love and stay with one person for the rest of your life who would it be?

brb crying bc the truth hurts. i really dont wanna talk about it no wait i do wanna talk about it but i cant put it all on the right words and i just dont wanna say it on social medias so.

If you had one day to live what would you do?

have a funeral that i can actually witness, like in "chasing life", then thank everyone that has ever been a part of my life, then just spend the whole day w. a certain person who's name i really dont wanna put on social medias.
Liked by: Berenice Brack


Language: English