

Ask @angeluhh23

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Lots of people are sending me on this and btw I don't blame anything on what happened between me and Daniel on you. Sorry if people are saying it's your fault, it's not -Jovana

idek what happened between y'all. you dont have to be sorry for anything, its typical nosey people that try to start crap between everybody that should be sorry. youre so sweet & pretty, hope all of this doesnt get between us((:
Liked by: joslynn cesar

how do you tell your bestfriend you hate their guts without them making a big deal about it?

well if you HATE their guts theyre not your bestfriend. if you fund something about them really annoying or wrong you can straight yo tell them and theyd understand. just make sure they know youre telling them bc you care and rather tell them yourself instead of watching them get hurt when somebody else tells them((:

where are u going to be staying oml thats a lot of moving around

first ill be at my Grandma's house from my mum's side then my Grandma from my Dad's side then El Cid Castilla Beach Hotel and finally back at my Grandma from my Dad's side's house((:
Liked by: taylor witt jade:)

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what are you doing spring break

probably missing track practice friday and leaving for mexico
arriving at Gomez Palacio, Durango saturday night spending alll of sunday there
leaving monday morning and arriving at Villas Insurgientes, Zacatecas the same day.
leaving tuesday and arriving at Mazatlan, Sinaloa and spending the rest of tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and half of friday
then leaving friday afternoon and arriving at Villasinsurgientes, Zacatecas and spending saturday there((:
Liked by: jade:)

whats a beautiful girl like u doin with a guy like danny

excuse you, but im not w. anybody ATM and if i was to be w. danny there would be nothing wrong w. that bc he's super sweet and a great guy((:
Liked by: jade:) cesar

Fyi you are a day late on the amber and khloe drama *laughing face*

idgaf, your ass was a week late and your momma still had you. #teamamber

Why would you mess with Daniel he loves jovanna..

hey daisia((: well theyre not dating , and looks like her and my boii kike have a thing soo.
Liked by: Berenice

THATS WHAT I THOUGHT IT WAS BUT THEN YOU TOKD ME TE OTHER THING OMG *laughing face* I'm listening to the weeknd

juicy watermelon❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hun your a princess

youre annoying let me watch the amber and khloe roast feast in peace. THEIR SLAYS ARE LIKE AS GOOD AS MINE, finally.

you have the perfect body,a beautiful face,perfect height,an attitude,ur athletic,smart,funny,kind. i couldnt ask for anything else in the world,give me a chance princess.

lol lies lies lies & more lies, thanks(:
dont ever call me princess again, understand?
Liked by: Berenice

who do you like?

well its really complicated, or maybe i make it more complicated than it really is. when im in a relationship im REALLY commited and completely abondon the fact that theres other guys in the world. i dated 3 guys in one year and frankly im so tired of relationSHITS. knowing that i really dont wanna date anymore unless im for sure that i like him, i only have "crushes" on some guys. im avoiding commitment bc i dont feel the same way for them as i felt for this one guy. im REALLY bipolar too so if we're "talking" youre not in a very good situation. currently ive been crushing on danny fuentes & JC but me and JC stopped taking again and i get over crushes quickly so. BUT just bc im crushing doesnt mean im not gunna act like im single, im gunna talk to as many guys as i want and just do what i want. thats the point of being single right?

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Hottest guys at kms?

omfg why do y'all care so much all of a sudden
Jose Cortez
EJ Crawford
Ryan Folger
Jason Troncoso
theres a lot more but those are the ones that come out of the top of my head. i think im "done" w. KMS boys tbh, im at oakdale now *laughing emoji*
Liked by: Berenice

Ok, how abou friday?

idk id have to ask her *laughing emoji* but maybe since i have a jamboree till 5:15((; if we dont watch the movie we can have my mom take us to the mall or something after my jamboree❤️❤️


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