

Ask @angeluhh23

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Gotcha I'm going to miss u bae❤️:'(

im gunna miss you too, i can facetime you when im in Mazatlan and on my way to Mexico((:


depends, if my mom gets an extra week off then we leave March 17 after school and come back the 28th or 29th. but if not then we leave the 20th and come back the 28th or 29th. i mentioned it a few times i just didng make a big deal out of it bc it wasnt official. i just wanna get out of here for my birthday tbh.

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Thanks so much(: im sorry for everything I just got worked up Bc I didn't say it and I didn't want people and you thinking im a shit talker and such I really am sorry

shamar moore
its fine, this was all a big mess and im sorry for assuming it was you. i just got really mad.
Liked by: shamar moore

I feel like if she drinks sometimes and such that's her she's human she makes mistake she yolo she does her I mean we're not perfect yes she can be mean sometimes but that just her being her and her sticking up for what she believes in

shamar moore
amen brotha❤️
Liked by: shamar moore

It was yesterday it wasn't two days ago, and I said I would screenshot the answer and your not on there besides because I been asking you stuff all im saying is I never said or did anything to you for you to come at me and I never seen Yall or you dance to judge yall so chill

shamar moore
i am cery hot but chill((; *laughing emoji*❤️
Liked by: shamar moore

All im saying is I tried to screenshot my answer and show you it but you won't accept and keep ingoring it Bc your scared for being wrong for once honestly your so pretty and funny and a great friend it just made me made you come at me out of no where

shamar moore
thank you(: look i havent been anywhere near "good" lately and that shit really set me off, yoh were the first person that came to mind bc youre always so interested in dance. i felt really bad bc i would never think you'd say things like that about me. its all good home slice
Liked by: shamar moore

You say I al️Ways talk about dance to you? How...I never kik you and when I did I always talked about like problems I was dealing with and I always snapchated you and talked about pizza and I still have screenshots of you on snapcaht saying oh I love pizza to and saying I love your hair it's so curl

shamar moore
well i do love pizza and your hair and your eye lashes
Liked by: shamar moore

When? I never text you or Kik you in forever and I only snapchated you once and that was Bc you said you were doing a prepally so I was like ️awh wanna see a video Bc I never seen the lingle dance and plus I never seen any of Yall dance to judge y'all

shamar moore
ok, look im on my way home from OK im over it and you should be too. after all im the one that got "insulted" the most
Liked by: shamar moore

I'm not a good dancer so why would I talk crap about you or anyone else im not going to because I know I'm not top notch. And it's just like if someone was talking to me about somethig I can just be like oh it's Angela like no

shamar moore
if you could back it up id understand, youre making a big deal like this was so two days ago.

U know.. 4 u to b the dance captain u don't set a very good example. U tlk about how u drink alcohol & party (on occasion but still).. & u cuss like a sailor. U r rude to a lot of ppl, & I understand that u r mostly just defending urself but I mean dang. You are a beautiful girl.. Just take it easy.

ive only done that like once, i didnt ysed to do that ive just been feeling super low lately and that night i frankly didnt gaf about anything so i turned to drinking. i think drinking is trashy especially in girls my age, ive been "sober" for two weeks now and i didnt drink tonight, tomorrow who knows. look i hate cussing, i used to not do it at all but lately its been out of hand. i gave up on myself and a lot of things, not the giving up where i wanna kill myself thats not even an option but the giving up where i just dont try to control myself anymore. im not rude unless they start things, im actually really nice. im just really good at defending myself and people take it to the heart. i'd honestly love to just explain and spill all my feelings to you rn, thanks

I asked for a video one time, and I don't even talk to you anymore and I never talked really about lingle dance I only talked about problems to you that's it's so? And I follow the lingle dance because Yall are all beauty and I learn from y'all

shamar moore
youre always talking about dance in general. alright thanks

Okay, but I never seen you danced? And the stuff that the people said about tryouts for freshman tryouts aren't true so if you don't know it was me please stop staring stuff I said I would screenshot my recent answer and show you Bc that makes me mad your starting shit and you don't even know who it

shamar moore
but your always so interested in my dance squad and asking for videos of us dancing, you follow our page and what not. i stopped saying it was you so get over it, it just really sounded like it and i have / had a lot to back it up.

None of those were me(I don't hate on people on ask) but I'm just saying those were hateful but don't get into a physical fight over it, obviously that person is jealous, so they need to find some way to make themselves feel better, #hatersareyourmotivaters

thanks ethan, means a lot((:

stupid anon... sure dancers need pointed toes, flexibility, and turns but it's passion and your dedication that shows in the long run, you anon are an idiot. angela and the girls showed hard work since tryouts so you can shut tfu.

anna thiessen
love ya long time anna banana❤️❤️
Liked by: anna thiessen

Hey Angela I don't appreciate you saying that im the one saying this shit down there if you want I'll screenshot my answer and kik or something to show it wasn't me. That's just like if someone talked crap about me about anything im not going to be like oh it's anglea like wtf

shamar moore
well it really sounded like you

I think the rapping part at the end of the movie was best

i don't remember the mexican boy left early so i was all worked up about it looking for him.

How did you feel when you woke up?

really low, that's why my parents took me out of state from all the negativity to clear my mind((:

What does LD4L stand for¿

Lingle Dance 4 Life, i came up w. it. well i took it from DD4L and replaced the D's that stand for Dancing Dolls for Lingle Dance((:
Liked by: Berenice


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