

Ask @angeluhh23

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thoughts on maya

she's really sweet and caring, she can get down to buisness though. glad she's w. landon(: & shes really good at dance
Liked by: Maya

Aye baby girl whatchu doin tonight

THE REF WAS BLACK OMG HOT HOT HOT SO HOT. HE HAD A JAW LINE AND DIMPLES AND HIS SMILE WAS GREAT AND HE WAS DECENT SIXED AND HE HAD A BIG BOOTY AND HE WAS A REALLY GOOD REF AND JUST WOO. other than him only one other cute black guy was there but i left as soon as he came in :(( but i turned up w. madison❤️

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thoughts on madison

she's funny asf and so nice❤️ she's really pretty and her red hair is s'cute. she's one of the most straight up people out there, so dont get butt hurt. the b got hustle

thoughts on maya nd landon

theyre really freaking cute together, and i ship lanaya to the fullest. the pictures of them together are s'cute bc they both seem genuinely happy and happiness is key in a relationship. i support them but i also support madison, bc i hate seeing her down but really that doesnt affect how i feel about anything bc my opinion isnt influenced that easily.
Liked by: Maya

the guys your playing w/ compared to the girls jasons playing w/ make him look really bad autumn, shantic? whatta joke. luv you ang,keep upgradin(;

y'all bring it up like i actually care about the girls he w., love you too girl❤️
Liked by: Berenice


estupid boii, kelsey'smy bestfriend now gtfo w. this torrian shit before she kill both of us. *laughing emoji*
Liked by: Jo

it was hot u just forget to close ur windows sometimes & i help my dad w/ the construction on the houses beside urs so thx ill wave at u next time

this is really embarrasing, starting to hate how everybody knows where i live
Liked by: Holly Frost

hope that anon knoes everything jason does jc can do better:) i approve of this jose cortez dude u were truly happy today and im starting to think he was the reason . if anon would just stop bringing up your huge mistake by the name of jason id kill to see u as happy as u were today everyday .

he wasnt a mistake. if you'd stop talking trash about jason like you knew him maybe id be as hapoy as i was today.: other than that thanks boii

one time i took ur phone & look at your guyss messages you guys wrote paragraphs everytime you talked

why are y'all bringing up jason all of a sudden? GET OVER IT, its gone its done its over we dont even talk anymore so you should be more than capable of keeping his name out yo mouth
Liked by: Michelle Garcia kyt

what did u ever see in jason

jason :
the total opposite of hideous , jason can pull . hes a really funny and caring guy whos always there when you need him . he knows exactly what to say to make you smile or laugh . you can always count on him to do the stupidest things❤️ he's an amazing guy and takes care of everyone he loves . one of the best friends anybody could ask for tbh. jasons so passionate about everything he does he either gives it his 100% or he doesnt do it , he's an amazing athlete who doesnt accept not giving it your all . he wont let you down and he keeps his promises . hes independent , goofy , can fix just about anything and literally makes the world a better place seeing him smile or laugh automatically puts a smile on your face , hes such a happy person and lights up the whole room . his soft side is one of the cutesst things bc you can tell he really cares , hes one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet and your beyond blessed to have a person like him in your life , jasons great☺️
i wrote that ^^ September 27,2014. you tell me bud *laughing emoji*x100 this jasons gone though so dont get too excited

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What kinda relationship do you and your mom have

my mom is more of an older sister to me. i trust her w. everything and really just tell her pretty much everything. she tries helping me and giving me advice, her advice is oretty sucky sometimes tbh, but the fact that she listens means everything to me. she keeps me sane❤️ recently mot so much though, and it really hurts me bc rn is when i need her the most. what killed me seemed to have affected her alot to. just talking to her about the situation and / or mentioning his name she starts cutting me off and leaving. so idk what kind of relationship we have rn. still love my nigga

what is one thang u r scared of

hearing this certain someone isnt doing so good or is dying, that honestly scares me to death just by thinking about it.
Liked by: Holly Frost


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