

Ask @angeluhh23

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Okay ANON wasn't me but basically girls hate him I like to call him the "one hit wonder" yep he's a man whore. And last year while he was dating a girl he sent nudes to a bunch of other girls, and he's dated like 10 girls this year. No girl at kirksey likes him cuz he's a douche

i never said it was you. i dont see how's he's a one hit wonder if he's "hit" a lot more girls than most guys lol. thats nt very nice, he hasnt done anything to you. he played football w. you, dont talk about your running back like that. have you seen them? bc they dont really count as nudes. i counted like 4. well im a girl at lingle and i sure seem to like him, and like no girls at kirksey like me so we're on the same boat.(; he's really not a douche, he's a great person.

Landon likes like every girl and hugs and kisses them at school and yuh deserve better your to damn fine ;) :*

idek how to respond to these landon questions lol. he's single, im single, we can do whatever our little hearts desire. if youre a girl, stop. leave me and landon alone, thatd be great thx
if youre a guy, thankss but if me and Landon actually interested you you'd talk to me personally.
Liked by: Maya Tyler Furuseth

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have much love from me((;❤️❤️

Wait yeah how did you meet Landon?vv

i saw him at the RCC tournament and everybody though he was s'cute but i had jason at the time so i didnt notice him much. then me and jason were sitting on the bleachers and Landon came over and held jasons other hand and asked if i was his gf. when he left i asked jason about him and then i kind of forgot about him for a while then out of no where he hmu and we talked for like a week then we stopped. then like a week after me and jason broke up he hmu again so :p
Liked by: Tyler Furuseth

I thought you were done with boiis?

y'all dont know how complicated things are and if I'd try to explain them I'd sound like something im not. I dont control my feelings, and i actually caught some for Landon, which was completely unexpected haha. A lot of you dont like the fact, which is pretty obvious bc youve straight up told me or just act really funny. I mean its ok idc, i understand he doesnt have the best reputation but im not like his ex gf's if you haven't noticed. Im not the type to get hurt easily and be crying weeks after a break, im not the type to get depressed over a guy, im not the hit and run type either, so dont worry about me, ill be good. to answer your question, no. Im not done w. boys, im not gunna be sitting here waiting around miserably for a second chance y'all know thats no where near like me. If i catch feelings, ok fine ill deal w. them but im not gunna deny em. Im too young for that shit anyways, its not like anybody else now a days is serious so(:

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Why do u keep bringing her up if u hate her so much and why are you following her and looking at her pics if all you do is laugh at em and be rude as hell

bc y'all keep asking me who i dislike(: other than that aint nobody brunging her up so
i like following people to see what theyre up to, its not just her i do it w. so get over your damn self.
Liked by: Tyler Furuseth


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