

Ask @angeluhh23

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I call u Angie at school and you dont get madddd

really? i usually make a face when someone calls me that or i straight up tell em to stop, but its been a rough month so i probably havent noticed lol
Liked by: Rama

How do you become a wigga?

squad. if you tend to be around the whole squad and we all like you and feel like you'd rep the wiggas how you should then you can wear that title but you gotta earn it man, you cant be dussung us behind our back and doing us wrong. for example if rama moves to lingle he can be wigga #10((:

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no... angela dosent want to be called, "angeline" or "angelica"

you tell em rama!
my names angela
you can call me angela, ang, black ang, or my hood names angeliquh, angequa, and sharkeisha. other than that jason reserves rights to some other nicknames
Liked by: Rama

If that boi is as nice as you say he is he doesn't deserve you because he can find a real girl instead of you

he is, he's so sweet and such a great guy❤️❤️ but dont trip yourself up, im the realist girl out there hun.
Liked by: Rama

whenever we see you going out with someone that isn't Jason we will know who he is by than

like hanging out? pfft thats bs bc i can hang out w. whoever and it wont mean a thing. i wanna stay single for a while so ig you'll have to wait too((:
Liked by: Rama

Wait who r the 2 people??? Dm squad

pfft, me & his mother *laughing emoji*❤️ oh & i will bc ive had something to show y'all since last night
Liked by: Rama

What happened to that other dude that always flirts with you threw here? who ever he is might not like that you still would date Jason

and im really sorry for that bc he's such a sweet guy and deserves so much more than to be sitting around waiting for me )):❤️ but honestly i only know like two people that would actually like the fact of me and jason getting back together. its really complicated, so it'll hopefully happen sometime later on. pfft, maybe later on isnt even anytine soon, we never know man i just gotta take it day by day and so should you.(:

what people do you wish you talked too???

everyone that i dont talk to taht hasnt already screwed up their chances w. me((: i love meeting new people and getting to know them bc everyones either a lesson or a blessing❤️
Liked by: Rama bere

Just forget about Jason anon is correct. I got of maddy you can get over him

its really complicated, but thanks logan((: keep doin what you doing w. city, bc youre doing it right
Liked by: bere jen (: Fiji Boii

Just forget about Jason. He's makes all the girls jealous it's gonna happen more than once

jason gives me life & i hate him lots((:
what do you mean? i didnt understand that second part, haha sorry.
Liked by: bere Edson K7 Fiji Boii

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ no more drama will happen only if Andrea apologized to you or you apologize to her. Jason still likes you. But only the future you. Andrea and her squad don't hate you. They hate the drama, not you. You missed the point ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

they can apologize all they want, im sure not, but either way it takes time for my image of someone to change so just vc they apologize doesnt mean were gunna be all good all of a sudden.
what do you mean " Jason still likes you. But only the future you" ? haha
Liked by: bere

go to rhs ❤️ we'll luuv you foreverrrr . you dont know how much we'll want you to go . to be honest I hated you , but when My other friends that are friends with you and told me who the real angela is . I really want you to come . We could share our moments together . ❤️

aww, things like these really make me wanna go to rhs❤️


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