

Ask @angeluhh23

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Maybe Sstacy did or did not do whatever you said but either way you guys should not hold a grudge it's not fair to neither of you ):

it doesnt affect me or her, it apparently affects her squad but thats none of my buisness untill they make it my buisness.

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I am sure a lot of other people feel the same way . We want you to like each other no hate just love

nah, they either dont care or hate me or them so. im not gunna like everyone, i only associate w. squad and a few others. if i like her or hate her, its not gunna make a difference in my life or yours.

Preach to the other anon you two are beautiful young ladies and all of this is dumb

thank god for anon's like you❤️ who's this, i wanna praise you

Yeah Angela! You're both beautiful inside and out but no need to be talking about each other.:) Excuse all these people saying crap !

seriously thanks so much(:❤️ whos this?

Will yall quit talking about Stacy? She's so sweet. And so is Angela and she don't need this drama. Both of them are great now stop. Have a good day Ang:)

why thanks, you too(:❤️

Do you and jason talk still like are yall still friends

i wasnt planning on it. like i wanted to be friends w. him but i didnt see how it would work out. I literally dont speak to any of my ex boyfriends. it would take me at least a week to be able to talk to him or look at him normally again, but i know he wouldnt be waiting for me to be ready for that lol. & i dont text first unless its really important or depends on the situation. but we talked last night & if we dont continue to talk then what happens happens ya know? but rn we're friends and even if we lose connection he'll always be my friend & ill always care about him. if one day i hear he's not doing good trust me ill be the first to ask him about it. i still love the boii to pieces so thats a complicated question but ig the most relevant answer is yes(:

       

Liked by: Berenice Rama

Much more than breathe near him!? Did they breathe on him ?! Lol jk what'd they do?

ask jason, or them, not me dude they know what they did they just wanna seem like the innocent victims but whatever idgaf anyways so its on them.

You are so different on ask.fm than everywhere else.

probably bc ask fm is where i get pissed off the most(: im literally a completely different person when im mad.
Liked by: kathy®

Drama 4 lyfe, seriously how do you get emojis on here?

thats really what my free time consists of man. & one does not simply get emojis on here :( except for a few like ❤️ & ✌️ & ✊ & ✋ & ✨(:

Just saying, UNFOLLOWED Because I'm tired of seeing your pointless drama and silly comebacks

my comebacks are life & you know it. you just mad bc you hate seeing how weak these b's look rn. but go ahead unfollow me, everytime someone says theyre gunna unfollow me i gain followers so jokes on you kiddo(:❤️
Liked by: Rama

What if Anon is really just a really good prankster and he/she is fucking with us all right now CHHHH BOOM #mindblown

well then theyre so dumb pranksters, bc nobody fucks around w. black ang like that.

ANON said Omg so obviously it's a white girl

i say omg all the time & im blaxican so heck no. but its really between like 5 girls, theyre all white washed though lol


you deserve a medal & a round of applause, woo go ethan. that was actually pretty good boii, welcome to slayville.
Liked by: Rama


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