

Ask @angeluhh23

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You don't even know em yourself;)

why in the world would i wanna associate w. basic bitches who wont leave me tf alone? i told you to text me, starting shit w. me is no where near in your convenience as you can see.

payton doesn't even have an ask

well she was on my ask last night so dont lie to yourself. these girls are obvi not who you think they are(:

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1. im friends with stacy and them but i dont know you enough to talk crap about you 2. i didnt even know you and jas had a thing 3. WTF IS EVEN GOING ON

1. thanks for being smart.
2. wth everyone knew that lol
3. youre friends are being bitches, im just slaying em and they're hiding so they dont look as bad(:
text me lol

v that was me. i forgot to put my name :( lol I feel honored

i knew it was you, thats why you deserve an award. you've put up w. so much of my bs & managed to keep your kms friends i applaud you and praise you.
Liked by: Rama

who are these anons? vvv

hmm lets go w. the ones we saw last night.
andrea, payton, & maybe even stacy(: im actually not sure about stacy, but the other two im pretty darn sure about. BIG F U TO THEM❤️
Liked by: Rama

you act so high and mighty but what's the difference between us

personality, confidence, looks, the way we carry ourselves, the way you hude behind anonymous, the fact that we're going through completely different situations. & alot more obvious things but then again idek who tf you are.

hi. how are you?

hey, honestly idk haha. like inside im so pissed off and on the outside im completely fine so(: i just wanna get this bs off my ask asap. what about you?

Do us a favor and grow a pair (:

says the bitch that cant leave her name, youre pathetic.
ive got lots of em, ill loan ypur ass some anyday bc like this youre not gunna get anywhere in life.

I feel like the drama needs to stop. Why? Bcos I HAVE COOKIES

me too man, like idek why these girls brought up. theyre annonying asf, like they got what they fucking wanted wth do they want now?
Liked by: Berenice Rama

angela stop showing the anons they're getting to you. you're only making things worse showing them they're making you made, just move on with life and stay positive. xx

knowing me, thats not happening anytime soon. trust me i tried, but im bipolar & have anger issues so(: but i really needa stop thanks
Liked by: yoana

Sorry hun

fuck all you basic bitches, calling me "hun" and shit only makes you look like an even bigger dumbass. youre nowhere near being above my level and earning the right to call me that cunt.
Liked by: Rama

Okay anons. Let me tell you something. What you say is going come back an bite you in the butt. Stop being jerks and acting like hero's when you hide behind anon and just tear someone down. Stop being brats and leave it be. Leave angela alone and come mess with me because i really dont care about it

that second sentence deserves a round of applause felicity❤️
but other than that, i sweat if you go mess w. her ima cut your damn balls off.
thanks city ily
Liked by: Rama

i thought youd go to mason after jason

idk, i dont think i wanna date anymore. i doubt he likes me, we're more bestfriends than anything so.
Liked by: Berenice

funny how everyones tryna beat up on you but no one can grow some balls and leave their name. ang wouldnt have to reply to anyone if y'all would quit the fake crap being thrown at her. and stop tryna steal / use her ex . im a kms girl but we got no probs? grow some balls and then talk crap to ang .

I LOVE YOU SO DARN MUCH CHELSEA❤️❤️ everything youve said was the realist ive gotten cant thank you enough
Liked by: kathy® Rama

"Naturally" if that's ur excuse for being a bitch then okay

im literally so nice untill you piss me off. the fact that all you do is piss me off put you in a fucking bad situation. doesnt it cunt?


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