

Ask @angeluhh23

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its dumb asf when you call black ang hun, you dont do that cunt. unless i look up to you, which obviously i only look doen at you.

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Not trying to make you cry hun just saying but ok

dont call me hun & you should come off of anon if you ever want me to tale ypu seriously.

Not yet:)

well he can do whatever his heart desires. maybe itd be best for us to break up, but only we would know bc we're the ones actually going through it. we can say all we want, but following thru w. it is actually pretty hard when it comes down to situations like these. if he breaks up w. me ill still love the boy to pieces and adore everything about him, so idc i let out all my tears and anger on wednesday i have nothing left in me anymore so really instead of making me cry or bring me down youre making me laugh(:
Liked by: Jaylee

The other anon is not "really dumb" because he did tell everyone at school he was going to dump you .

yeah it is & so are you
i dont see him breaking up w. me so f off.

top 10 prettiest girls & top 10 cutest boys (pass it on) --wasnt by me._.

gina balbuena
maria murillo
carley rodes
ale soto
brenda hernandez
darlene servellon
heidi marquez
damaris marquez
alondra mendez
tiiffany le
savanna barnette
casey rae
jason troncoso
jason troncoso
jason troncoso
jason troncoso
jason troncoso
jason troncoso
jason troncoso
lyin child of god
jason troncoso
jason troncoso
Liked by: Brenda Hernandez

Jason told every one at school he was going to dump you

youre really dumb(: & idc he can do whatever his heart desires. just stay put of it ok? bc you're wasting your precious little time spittin a bunch of crap that im not gunna believe untill he proves it so ..

do my how to be bc you havent done mine in like years (;

be really skinny
come from kms, thank god you didnt end up like half of em
be squad
be s'pretty man
be josiahs gf
be short
have hair i really love man
be a future soccer play, well at least better be
sit by me in pre ap english
make me laugh a lot
be my counselor
be the person who brought me and jason together❤️
lick people
be obsessed w. coach bumsted
love algebra
have somewhat of a booty(;
be a really cute singer
Liked by: stephanie((:

Oh my lord don't act like you never keep yourself on anon. Stop saying "stay in your lane." And cussing and crap you spurn stupid like your a gangster or something

i really dont, so fuck off kiddo.
"stay in your lane" and "slaying hoes on the daily" and "another day another slay" are me & jasons things so i will not stop, youre very welcome.
i really dont cuss a lot, lately i have bc ive been so ticked off. i explode over every little thing so they just come spilling out. but after i go confess myself and take weight off my shoulders ill stop(:

Every time I walk by jason there's always someone telling him to break up with you. His friends don't like you ask them

well they needa stay in their god damn lane, i get the same shit everyday so.
you need to freaking stop, youre ridiculous you dont know me or his friends or jason. you come here acting all tough hiding behind anon and yoyr damn screen tryna act like you know us, BS. you've done enough ok so leave
Liked by: Andrea Ormeno Rama

Quit trying to make yourself seem like the victim you clearly don't trust him if you get mad every time he even talks to a girl let alone looks at them

i never make myself look like the victim nor would i want to look like the victim.
i trust him w. everythung, well at least i used to rn i cant seem to get my shit together. my heads all fucked up and my heart hurts, i love jason more than life itself but im tired of all this dumbass drama. youre not helping anon & i swer when i find out who you are you're gunna be what i take it all out on. he knows how to handle himself, very nicely actually. i trust him to talk to girls, i just dont trust the hoes around him but he can handle it. dont tell me what i do or what i am or how i feel bc only i know that. nobody freaking understand the position im in rn i mean y'all have an idea ig but its hard standing in this situation.
Liked by: Rama


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