

Ask @angeluhh23

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opinion on kytney?

love her, shes so funny, a great great singer, super loud, good at tumbling, really athletic, and she has a really nice booty.
Liked by: kyt

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So you don't care about peoples feelings, just winning? You kinda made yourself sound selfish..

look let me parent you the right way.
lifes a game, you win or you lose. i hate losing w. a passion, i will not lose in life.
ive come from rock bottom, to wanting to kill myself and attempting suicide so many time and just seeing no point in living. life sucked in my POV and all i wanted to do was die. you know why? bc of what people would say about me and to me. it was constant, it was @ home coming from my dad nonstop, it was @ school coming from everyone. if it wasnt about my weight it was about my face or my arms or my thighs or my eyebrows or how unathletic i was. i was done i didnt wanna hear it anymore and my solution to it was to give up on life, that way i wouldnt have to hear it anymore.
but you know what? i freaking turned my gosh dang life around. im no where near the girl i was just last year. i decided to beat life, to win, and shut everyone up. i stopped being the loser and the weak one. i put up a guard and made my self stronger, physically and emotionally. but more emotionally than anything, physically im still working on but ill get there lol. i had a whole new mindset, and look where its gotten me.
yeah i care about peoples feeling, and there was a time when thats what i dedicated all my time to. helping people and getting the out of that "life sucks" phase. i dont have the time anymore, so i do me all the time, and after me is my fam, and then my squad, and then my teams. bc they treat me like family, bc they would never do anything to hurt me intentionally. its not called being selfish, its called being smart. thats why im so happy bc i do me i worry bout me my family my squad and my teams. yeah i feel sorry for some people, but i get over it real quick. ya know why? BC THEY GOT THEMSELVE AND THAT DADGUM POSITION. THEY SURE AS HELL CAN GET THEMSELVES BACK OUT OF IT. i did, and when i screw up im not afraid to admit it. but listen, i dont screw up in life bc i watch my mouth and my actions. i know when to start crap and when to not. plus Gods got me, he knows whats up and he knows where hes takin me. so dont worry about it boo, i got this.

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You don't realize what you say, hurts people.

what did i say? i realize it boo, that why i only spit back you spit at me, the difference here is i dont get hurt. i always win(:
Liked by: Lely(:

we should do little awards for dance like most entertaining at practices or best facial expressions!

we should def have a banquet but not a stupid awards ceremony, dance isnt hard hun.
Liked by: Lely(:

who is 5 people you know kinda but you want to get to know better

zach gilmer
michael negrete
nayeli almaraz
michaela brooks
sergio cruz(: theres a lot more but ya know
Liked by: Lely(:

you should move to kirksey

i like everything about kirksey, especially the fact that my bf goes there and all but i dont like half the people and i dont wanna just show up at a school and create a bunch of drama bc i dont put up w. bs so. but idk i kinda wanna go to rhs but my sports would get in the way so if i were to go to rhs id move to kms a little bit before track season and start track there then go to rhs. but nothing official ya know, i like heritage way more so.
Liked by: Lely(: yoana

name 10 girls you do like from kirksey

katherine magana❤️
maria martinez
jasmine gonzalez
andrea ormeno
priscilla ramirez
melissa mejia
jenny moreno
chelsea miranda
janet salinas
angie cervantes
you have no idea how hard that was. theres still like two more that i just thought of but i forgot again oops
Liked by: kathy® Lely(:


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