

Ask @angeluhh23

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I don't have a phone... Like can you just tell me how you got to be one?

well you obvi have imessage or something
one of my bestfriends, kathy, was on the pom squad last season, so she helped me lots!(: but im naturally a really loud person, and i smile a whole lot so, it just takes memorization, hard work, and knowing how to count to eight. haha. stretch 10-15 minutes a day and you'll start to see improvments in your flexibilty.
Liked by: Lely(: Fiji Boii

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I really want to be a cheerleader but I'm not very flexible and I can't even do a cartwheel... Please help. Any tips and stuff to get more flexible and for tryouts?:(

take tumbling classes!(: cheer is more tumbling and stunting, your flexibilty really just comes in during your jumps.
im in dance, but ill be glad to help you w. anything. just text me!
Liked by: Lely(: Fiji Boii

come on angela,be honest.u hve to be scared of someone.

i hate when people tell me to be honest.
im probably one of the most honest people out there, thats why i have less and less friends, bc y'all fakes dont like honest
but if i have to have to be scared of one person, itd be my dad. but ehh he dont really count bc at the end of the day he'll always be my dad you know?
Liked by: Lely(: Fiji Boii yoana

How do you have so much confidence?

ive come a long way, forcing myself to believe that everything just gets better and better if you work for it. ive always had this "leader" characteristic in me, so my confidence started to develop along w. it in the first grade. plus, ive got the man upstairs on my side, nothing can go wrong when ya know you got God right beside you.
Liked by: Lely(: Fiji Boii

&&' y do you say your not scared of anyone?

bc im really not. im a really smart girl believe it or not. i dont start crap unless i can back it up, and im always capable of handling my own shit, so i dont see why i would ever be scared of anyone.
Liked by: Lely(: Fiji Boii

Looks like royce

haha omg yass, well in a way. jasons actually really really cute❤️
i remember before i started dating jason i would insist they were related or something
then royce would get frustrated and say that i was racist, bc according to him they didnt look a like they were both just dark skinned mexicans
Liked by: Fiji Boii yoana

mason hugged you yesterday,grabbed yr waist today,&&' you guys did some weird contact today in history.thats totally normal?

he didnt really hug me it was more of an attempt to choke me
he was trying to get me to move
i was asking how his knee was and out of no where my hand moved up like that.
stalker wth, dont assume things bc you obvi take everything the wrong way.


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