

Ask @angeluhh23

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ally shook
be really funny
be outgoing
be bomb at soccer
have a cute little sister
be sassy
have an attitude
be short
have a hella big booty
have big thighs
be really pretty
have gorgeous eyes
be someone who needs to hang w/ me asap🔥
be yourself 24/7
Liked by: Diana Johanna

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

rbd, wisin & yandel, and i think daddy yankee was there too back in 2009 lol
Liked by: Johanna Diana


be incredibly pretty
slay af
be tall
dress really nice
be someone i miss dearly
be someone that needs to hang w/ me asap
be one of my favs
play softball
take bomb selfies
be someone i love very much
be someone i'm still down for💘💘
Liked by: Diana Johanna

Related users


be really pretty
be good at makeup
be short
be someone i miss
be someone i'm excited to see in highschool
be super sweet
be funny
be a great friend
sing really pretty
have some bomb clothes🔥
Liked by: Diana mckila Johanna


laurenwilson001’s Profile Photolaur
be really pretty
be grunge af and pull it off😻😻
be really fun to be around
be someone i love lots
be someone that needs to hang w/ me asap
be one of my favs
be someone that deserves better
be super sweet
be really funny
have the cutest little sister
Liked by: Diana Johanna laur


take bomb selfies🔥
be hella good at soccer and track
be someone that needs to choose heritage😩
be really funny
be loud
dress really nice
go to the same church as me
have the cutest little brother omg
be eye goals
be short
be really sweet
be really fun to be around
be one of my favorites
have a cute relationship
be someone i love lots
be someone that needs to hang w/ me asap
live a mile away from me😏
Liked by: Diana amanduh Johanna


be alonso's bff
be one of my bffs
be dating one of my bffs
be my counselor
be someone i can trust
give off positive vibes
be rad af
have a unique style
be someone that actually cares and listens
have a rlly cute relationship
have long eyelashes
be super pretty
be rlly tall
have nice legs
be good at vball and soccer🔥
Liked by: Diana ally shook

h2b white nigga

be white nigga #2 forever and always
be my bff
understand me more than most ppl
make me laugh 24/7
be really cute w/ jake
be my lil butterfly
be someone that needs to hang w/ me asap
be someone that needs to come to mi casa
be my lil brother twin
be family goals😩
be hair goals
have nigga lips👅
be really good @ vball
be white washed
be yourself all the time
dress really nice/look good in everything
be short
be someone i can trust w/ absolutely everything
keep a lot of secret
be hella goofy
be really fun to be around
be someone that better have classes w/ me
have an attitude omg😂😂😂❤️
be someone i love more than life itself
Liked by: Johanna Diana yoana Katt


be one of the prettiest eighth graders out there
have a bomb personality that shines right through you
have gorgeous eyes😻
be incredibly good at soccer & vball
be super smart
have a really pretty smile
be my mentee not just for last year but forever💘💘
be someone i strive to be more like each and every day
have a great relationship w/ the lord
dress real nice🔥
be my fav
be someone i adore
be someone i look forward to watching on the court and fields😈😈
be having a better summer than anyone else😩❤️
Liked by: Johanna Diana Katt


Kyndall Strickland
be incredibly perfect
be overall goals
have a really positive and amazing personality
be super tall
be a great athlete
have a really pretty smile
be someone i look up to
have the best fashion sense out there
have a gorgeous momma and sister
be silly
xoxo gossip girl
be really good at math
be someone i still want to know even better
be extremely caring
have a really nice body
be forgiving
be a role model
be someone i hope i have classes w: next year💘💘💘


be body goals
be incredibly bomb at basketball
be someone i love lots
be really fun
be energetic
be a great friend
be super pretty
have a cute relationship
be short
have a big booty
be really fast
be good at track
be sassy💘💘


Language: English