
Arzel Espuelas 

Ask @ArzelJaveMarie

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Oy motou kag grades define the intelligence sa isaka person? What can you say about it? And should it be that you'll have high marks so you'll be really successfull in the future? *sorry someone also asked me & I need some ideas hihi

BIG NO NO! There are different types of intelligence in the world. There can be music smart, which would be related to John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix or more of a creative smart like painters. Pablo Picasso had an intelligent creative mind but might not of been that great at school. We could also judge intelligence when there was not even good education such as Coca Cola with its amazing marketing. I firmly believe good grades lead to better opportunity, but having good common sense or another type of intelligence that might not be dealt with in school can be just as or even more effective. Milton Hershey did not even finish the fourth grade but became insanely good at marketing and was good with people. There are other greats like Steven Jobs. He was a college dropout, and was not even as excellent in academics compared to others, yet if we look at his works and if we scan his achievements, we could surely see that he had done great without even excelling in school and he was a freaking founder of the well-known brand that most people nowadays are wanting - Apple. I tell you to know Bill Gates, too, my dear. He said he failed in his exams in all subjects, but the hell he still subsequently became one of the world's richest man!!! You see, your high scores and grades today won't really be your only prospects and measures of what likely will you become in the future or how greatly you'd succeed. Hard work in areas you're good in can undoubtedly make you very successful. A-men

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No problem an thnks for accepting the apology :)) So sorry gyud. I realised i needed to changed. And mu amin sad ko, i became one of your haters here on ask i didn ot know what was onmy mind that time :( sorry arzel i hope we become friends:) You're pretty by ghe way and dont let people bring u down

Sure :) I also hope you get to reveal yourself soon. Thankyou juds, a lot. Mwahmwah

You know what i heard rumors about you before that you are a dumb girl daw. Beauty lang daw ang laban nimo. And i hated u for that. Im sorry. And i realised I was wrong, we were wrong. The people are wrong. You've proved yourself as a smart and witty person. :) Sorry if we backbited you btw lovexxx

Omg I am very much pleased and flattered and overwhelmed.  even though you did something bad against me, you still had the guts to apologize halaaa yes sure you're forgiven anon :) Thankyou for being honest. At least you hurt me with the truth and didn't comfort me with a lie  thanks for that. Rare are the people like you. Thankyouuuu mwah lovelots 


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