
Arzel Espuelas 

Ask @ArzelJaveMarie

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ateee. unsa imo ika ingn anang mo ingn nga , wala dw sia nanglibak pero kung motalikod ra gani ko naa nai mga something nga di mao akng madunggan. unsa imo ika ingn ana teh? english ghapon ha

'Hey girl, it's not like I'm pointing fingers or blaming you or something. But is it true that you are criticizing and spreading false rumors about me? I just want to clear things out because this is getting into my nerves and it's creeping into my brain :) I don't want to deal with plastic people, anyway. Don't even try to get my hopes up, because you won't like me when I'm mad :) And if I find out that you backstabbing me is true, let me just warn you: You are messing with the wrong person ;) thanks xx

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Hands down to you! You really are a smart girl :) klaro kaayo na educated ka sa imong mga answers. Nice :)

Wow :) i'm very flattered, but thank you very much :) You inspired me more. Thaaanks :* God bless you. ♥

teh :( unsa imo sayings or paigo sa mga taw nga sige ingn nako nga bigaon dw ko dghan dw ko laki bastos dw. unya bsag di tnood rba. unsa mn? te? in english po ha para sabog nla.

Sus ug ako ana, this would be my answer:
Char :) Bigaon? Pagshor kuno? Try searching for the word 'bigaon' in a dictionary, and maybe your name would appear there. And daghan kog laki? Wtf xD How sure are you? Can you even state names of those boys and give me a written or any literal evidences that would prove that I am flirting with them? :) oh come on! And btw, who the fuck are you to judge me? You do not even know a single shit about what I'm experiencing & doing. So stop acting like you were on my shoes. And hey before you judge others, scan yourself first if you are Mr. Or Ms. Perfect who haven't tried spilling liquids on your clothes, or who haven't tripped off the floor. :) My life might be a dark fairytale, but fvck what you think. You have no idea what I've been through, so stop making comments about my personal life because I'm not even giving comments on yours. Have a nice day madapaka ;)

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what's the meaning of bae diay? kanang kasagarang itawag ninyo sa imong boyfiee?

Before anything else. Or bae as in babe without a b

Thanks. Ig unsa diay nimo siya? kay kbantay ko nga sige nila imention na nga name

Akong hardener xD haha jk, my bae ❤️❤️❤️

I don't know why some people hates you. You're way too gorgeous. You're even kind to other people. Tsk, people now a days are soooo, urghhh -.-

Yes :) soooo judgmental even if they don't know you very well yet. Kung maka judge ug mga one paragraph words kay murag nagka close na bitaw mo? Maski wa hahahaha :) Ge lang bhala sila hahaha thankyouuu :) God bless ❤️

Wag masyadong feelingera ok? Dle ka angayan. And im not one of your hater. Mao nang daghan kag hater cause imo sd awayon imong mga haters. Why dont you try to be humble maybe? Bagay pa nimo kaysa mag feeniling ka.

Feeling? Unsa naman sad intawn akong gi fineeling anon? xD "cause imo sd awayun imong mga haters" Wait Whut? Hahaha. Dayum! What do you want me to do diay? Praise them? In the first place, I DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO THEM :) Silay ga una-una and what do you want to happen? You want me to tolerate their bad attitudes? Oh I'm sorry, because I'm not that kind of person. And besides, you are not in my shoes :) You don't know what I'm feeling. We all get offended and we all get pissed. They deserve my words. And if you hate me doing that, then stop reading my answers :) God bless you.

Dghan kag haters but, don't be put down bc of them :))) smile!

Hahah it's okay :) thank you God bless ✌️

I was just asking by the way :) and im not forcing you to answer it :) thanks btw.

Yeah and i was just giving you free choices by the way ;) thanks


Language: English