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500 answers! We only started this account on Tuesday- thank you so much for the questions, we will carry on helping you and I hope we have helped some people already- molly x

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help to many girls are on me i need space to think ! how do i choose and wich do i turn down help

Well, chooe the girl that you get on with most, or you have the most feelings for. Let the others down kindly by telling them that you don't have feelings for them, and it was wrong to lead them on. Hope this helps- Gemma x

My tampon got stuck inside me a few days ago, its still up there:/ i feel really sick and get loads of head aches and dizzy spells. im too scared to tell my mum. its starting to smell abit and all my friends pull faces at me now. i dont know what to do. it was my first time, help xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Um, I'm sure if you talk to your mum about it, she will understand and take you to the doctors to get it sorted out! Hope it helps - Gemma x

I can't I'm shaking and I think he's here ugh what if his friends won't let him sit next to me like they said they wouldnt should I tell him that his friends won't let us sit next to each other or just let it be

Just see how it goes. You don't need to worry at all, have fun and relax. Good luck!- molly x

Yeah I'm scared he'll pull away and his friends already told me that they won't let me sit next to him and nowim scared and idk what to do I'm even more nervous

I'm sure everything will be fine! You just need to be braver and believe that this day will be fine :) - Gemma x

Idk I dnt like scary movies that much cause I get scared to easily and I don't want to lean on him even though he said I could I'm scared

It will be cute. X - molly

What will I talk about when his moms in the car any ideas I'm so nervous I feel like I'm going to cry

Don't worry about it please. You'll have fun when you're down there. If they ask questions just answer. X

What does it mean when a lad keeps lookin at ya and when ya look back at him he doesn't look away?!?

He might have a little crush on you. Go talk to him, as get friendlier with him! :)- Gemma x

Thanks but idk if I can do this anymore him and his om is about to pick me up and idk what to say because his moms going to be in the car I hav butterflies omg I'm so nervous I'm about to cry I can't do this

You can do this! Have fun and enjoy yourself x - molly

:( I don't have facebook or twitter, he don't really know who I am but we have exchanged a few smiles amd glances?

Could you get his number from a friend or one of his friends? Or you could get yours/his friend to talk to him for you or you could just go up and talk to him to his face. - molly x

Hey..umm i like this boy and we have been talking for like 2weeks now on facebook and im meeting him for the first time next week. he is reaaally popular Nd very fit but i think he might want me to have sex with him.....i dont want to though. but i feel like i cant say no because he is so popular.

If he liked you for who you were, he'd understand that you wouldn't want to sex. If he only wants you for sex, however fit or popular he was, he's not worth it and you should find a more sincere guy. Hope this helps - Gemma x

If I wanna talk to a lad who's in the year above me, how shud I do it?

Just go up to him and introduce yourself, or start a conversation with him over Facebook/twitter :) - Gemma x

Thanks but I dnt want to make anything awkward between us and sometimes I get nervous to talk yo him and I just freeze what do I do of I freeze omg I'm so nervous

Don't be. Relax! It will only be awkward if you go crazy haha. Just talk to him normally have normal chats with him and just keep calm x

Is it normal to look at every lad ya see and judge them om how fit they are?

That's completely normal, it's just your age! - Gemma

Haha thanks but I'm super Beckie to go I want to cancell but I dnt want to miss out on him just cause of his friends but I dnt want his friends to hate me anymore than they already do

Well they have to get over the fact that you both like each other. Just please ignore it and have some fun x - molly


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