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right... im close to this boy and kinda fancy him he fancys me to i dont want to make the first move i dont think hes gonna what shall i do....

Hint to him, just say small things that he'll notice, then get more gradual, he'll notice it eventually:)
Eva x x

Gemma, you're actually really really really pretty, but Eva and Molly are too, don't take it to Heart guys.. ;)

she is! and thankyou so much xx -molly

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You 3 are genuinely beautiful.. :-) - (admin from " Almost having a mental breakdown when stuck on a game) PS I think you 3 should make a Facebook page.. :-)

aww thankyou that's really sweet:')) and oh wow awesome :) and hmm that's something we shall consider... - molly x

*im the person who asked about my bestfriend asking me out btw aha* thankyou so much, all 3 of you are amazing people for doing this x

:') no problem, talk to us whenever and thankyou so much, means alot. - Molly x

i don't need advice, but i just wanted to say it's so nice of you guys to run this page to help out other people. (: Xx

aw thankyou, that's really sweet- molly x

i've been bestfriends with this boy for a while now, and we always say 'i love you' to each other, and he always calls me beautiful and perfect etc. yesterday he said to me 'if i asked you out what would you say?' do you think he likes me back, or was he just wondereing x

In past experiences, it definitely means he's thinking of something, he has some sort of feelings for you, just be honest with him, but don't get your hopes up incase he just wanted to know
Eva x x

what do all of u meg look like

my editing skills are terrible (((don't judge)))
molly (left) gemma (middle) eva (right) - molly x

1 4all of u my bf is being bullied by sum boys in her class are in yrh 8 and they have been doing this since yrh 7 im not in her class so i cant stop it myself she wont go to teachers so i hav done it myself but its still going on wat else i can do and im scared shell start cuttin her self

Honestly, I think the best thing to do is: get her to tell someone she can trust in her class? Or tell one of the teachers in the class where this happens, most of all tell her she always has you no matter what, make sure she knows she's loved, if she does start cutting, remind of the scars that will be there forever, just for temporary sadness, if she doesn't stop you've got to tell someone, she'll probably be mad at you first, but it will be for the best x x
Liked by: Amy Saunders


Hiya so we have another admin and I think we might be getting another one soon. It's so we can get to your questions quicker. Her name is Eva - molly x

This one is for (M), I get bullied by every one in the upper school S3/4/5 and to be honest, I can't take it, my "BEST" friends even bully me.. It's so fucking hard. :( advice?

You need to ignore them. Especially your best fried. If they were real best friends they wouldn't bully you. You should talk to them to get them to stop. And if not then they're not worth it. Also you should talk to your parents about the whole bullying thing. They can help you and it's best if you don't go through it alone! - molly x
Liked by: » Dayan «

he went to a club last night and i told him something that happened there just to believe that i was there too(but i wasnt)..he believed that i was there and he broke up with me because i lied to him that i was there and he doesnt believes me that i wasnt there..

Make sure you talk to him about it asap and just tell him the truth x - molly

Last time I asked you for help because I had the temptation to cut.. And now I have. It's all because of this one girl wants my boyfriend all to herself, and she's bringing me down. She reminded me I'm ugly, not worth it for anyone, no one likes me. I can't deal with it. Please help me..

Talk to your boyfriend about it, and tell someone you trust and you love. You can't go through this alone. Ignore the girl she's just jealous of your relationship with your boyfriend. I know that you are strong and you can get through this. If you ever need to talk to me then you are more then welcome to do so - molly x


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