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hey guys, i stumbled across your page and yes indeed i need advice. my teachers always make fun of me because of my name. my name is ivana tinkle and i am a loser. i heard my principal talking about suspending because I am christian and i attend a school with a majority of jews

that's horrible! you need to talk to your parents about it as soon as possible, ignore it for now x x

All the kids make fun of me because I am ugly, if i kill myself will anybody care?

Please ignore them. They're not worth it, and I know for a fact you are not ugly. Please just don't give up. You are needed, you are important, you are wanted, you are loved and you are beautiful. I know it's hard but you need to stay strong, for your family and for yourself. You're valuable in this world, we all have a purpose to live.
Try not to think of all of the bad things in your life, and think of something good
focus on something different and try to take your mind of it.
Hobbies? try something new and different! Distract yourself- make food, or things like crafts. Watch a movie, or telly. Find something you can hook on to FAST. Please don't guide yourself to drugs. Draw and read, just get your mind off it.
sudden stop,i will be unbelievably hard. Try to write, write everything -all your feelings and yourpains in a journal or on a new tumblr just for you.. get all the things out from your heart and just spill them out, it will be best for you.
Suicide is defiantly NOT the answer,I know you can stay strong and you have a whole world out there and if no one is there I am.
You should talk to someone about how you feel, you can’t do this alone.
Leave the past behind you, and look towards the future. Ignore the hate, it's just stupid, and they're just trying to pick out every single little flaw. You have your whole life in head of you, don't let haters put you down xx

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Liked by: dsasl

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Okay I'm probably like the 1000th person to ask this but, I'm a teenager and i self harm. Ive tried to kill myself and i feel like life isnt worth living anymore. ive had 1000's of question of hate or even more on here, i just dont know what to do anymore... help?..

Please just don't give up. You are needed, you are important, you are wanted, you are loved and you are beautiful. I know it's hard but you need to stay strong, for your family and for yourself. You're valuable in this world, we all have a purpose to live.
Try not to think of all of the bad things in your life, and think of something good
focus on something different and try to take your mind of it.
Hobbies? try something new and different! Distract yourself- make food, or things like crafts. Watch a movie, or telly. Find something you can hook on to FAST. Please don't guide yourself to drugs. Draw and read, just get your mind off it.
And about your self harm.. Cut down on cutting- lets say you cut like 5 times a day make it four and so and so on, I know it might sound stupid but start off slow. Don't just all of a sudden stop,i will be unbelievably hard. Try to write, write everything -all your feelings and yourpains in a journal or on a new tumblr just for you.. get all the things out from your heart and just spill them out, it will be best for you.
Suicide is defiantly NOT the answer,I know you can stay strong and you have a whole world out there and if no one is there I am.
Cutting can often become an addiction. It can be very difficult to stop. That’s why it’s important to go and seek help. You can’t do this alone.
Leave the past behind you, and look towards the future. Ignore the hate, it's just stupid, and they're just trying to pick out every single little flaw. You have your whole life in head of you, don't let haters put you down xx

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My bf cheated on me a month ago with ex when they were drunk, he told me in person which i respected! But im still not over it, still hurt and dont trust him with girls even though i want to! He doesnt know i was hurt because i told him it was fine. But his ex needs to back off, What should i do?

Give it time, all of a sudden you're not just going to forget it. Just take it slow, and talk to him about how you feel. He should understand, take your mind off it for the mean time and spend time with other people x

Is life worth living? I hate my life and I want to be dead, but i cant talk to anyone about it coz they will all think that im stupid and that i say it for attension, but i dont, i cant trust anyone, ive never been able to trust that much, i just wish i was dead :'(

of course it's worth living! Please just don't give up. You are needed, you are important, you are wanted, you are loved and you are beautiful. I know it's hard but you need to stay strong, for your family and for yourself. You're valuable in this world, we all have a purpose to live.
Try not to think of all of the bad things in your life, and think of something good
focus on something different and try to take your mind of it.
Hobbies? try something new and different! Distract yourself- make food, or things like crafts. Watch a movie, or telly. Find something you can hook on to FAST. Please don't guide yourself to drugs. Draw and read, just get your mind off it.
Try to write, write everything -all your feelings and yourpains in a journal or on a new tumblr just for you.. get all the things out from your heart and just spill them out, it will be best for you.
Suicide is defiantly NOT the answer,I know you can stay strong and you have a whole world out there and if no one is there I am. You should tell someone about this. You can’t do this alone.
Leave the past behind you, and look towards the future. You have your whole life in head of you x

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There's this kid that I have a crush on. He's 12, I'm 14. But he's one of my close friends. any thoughts?

you should flirt with him, and hint that you like him. Take the risk x

(C) As he is in a sort of popular group and if I talk to him he's get bantered for it like the last girl, but he sure didn't like her, so idk wh do do anymore as I really like him:/

you could ask one of your friends to ask him if he likes you, or just talk to him on facebook/twitter/phone first, and it will gradually get better!x

I really like this boy at school, he knows I like him but I don't think he likes me back as everytime I'm in a group with my friends he comes over blanks me but talks to the rest of my friends hugs them and all that and I just sit there like wtyou pplaying at?!I'm too scared to speak to him(c)


That's the thing though, she's not sorry, both of them don't care and I thought they would

talk to her about it, or just wait for abit and find someone else to be friends with. She'll soon realize what she has done wrong x

i have feelings for him, and i have tried to keep a distance but hates the distance between us

it will get better with time:-) x

Should I forgive my friend? I feel uncomfortable around her because I really liked this guy and she knew I did, me and him were talking then she got involved and not him and her like eachother, she really hurt me and didn't even care

if she really seems sorry then forgive her, don't fall out over a guy! x
Liked by: Luke

I am kinda having a crush on this guy I know for about 3 years now.. But he is sort off my 'boss', 'cause he is like the editor in chief of the schoolnewspaper where I used to work for and I work for his website.. So I'm a bit afraid to ask him out, also because he is friends with my brother.. x

you should just go for it, take the risk! x

he knows i fancy him but past few weeks i have been acting like a bitch towards him and i have talked to but he say he serious about me and making dirty jokes about me and him. And the other day he on fb he was chatting up a few of my mates

either just distance yourself away from him, some people can take things way too far, or talk to him about how you feel x

A guy at school fancies me and fancy him. problem is he chats other girl up and he can ignore me for days and days .Sometimes hes's mean towards than other times he nice. Is this guy messing me about?

I recon he is, but does he know you like him? and you should defiantly talk to him about it x

I love this girl in my school and she likes me back and I want to get with her but I don't want to break my bestfriend's heart cause I know she loves me what can I do?

make sure you do not fall out with your bestfriend over another girl, you should talk to your best friend about it, but at the same time it's your decision, not your best friends. Good luck x

i really love your account, i have just found out about it..i saw it on twitter..its amazing how you give people advice, it's really sweet:)

aw thankyou so much, this means alot:') x

people make fun of me because i am black :( what should i do, get plastic surgery?

no, don't get plastic surgery. There's nothing wrong with being black, ignore it, and tell someone and they'll help you for the bullying to stop. Be yourself, don't change for others!x

threre this kid and we think he likes us both ... how do know what one he likes

talks to you the most, looks at you alot, always tries to get closer to you, etc
just look at his body langage x

I'm 16 and this boy I like asks if I've ever masturbated and I haven't... What will I tell him? Will he find it weird?

if you find it uncomfortable then don't tell him, it's your buisness but if you decide you really want to, then just tell him the truth, it's nothing wrong x

I have this friend. We've been close for like acoupla weeks. Things went fast pretty quickly. Now we are starting to break up. We stopped speaking as often, stopped hugging and now were just walking past each other. I don't want to stop speaking and I don't now what to do. Suggestions?

start talking to this friend again, just keep trying. It's horrible when friendships end like this, so just kep going xx


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