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im going to kill myself.. BYE

So you want to kill yourself? because no one cares for you. Your family hates you. Right? no. Your parents walking in the room to only find your dead body. They'll try their hardest not to think negative, and to think you're just fooling around. Then they'll start shaking you. Why aren't you breathing? They'll be broken. Tears. More tears. More tears than you have ever shed. Was it them? Were they the reason you did this? More tears. Pain. Every day. Every night. Every single second of each day. Guilt. More guilt. What about your best friends? They're not going to care. Right? no. What's the first thing that will run through their minds when your principal comes into your class and tells them you're not alive. While your bestfriend sits there in tears. The girl that you'ld smile at but never talk to? she's crying. The boy who would kick you under the table just to annoy you? He's in shock. He's devasted. He blames himself. What about your teacher? thoughts cross her mind. She'll question if you did it because she made school too hard for you. Pain. Devistation. Who organises your funeral? Who has to go through your stuff? clothes? notes? Those few older girls who used to give you daggers at school? They regret it. They blame themselves. See, if you killed yourself today, you'll never know what might of happened tomorrow. You'll never know because you're dead. Plain dead. Not alive. Not breathing. Just dead. Your family hates themselves for it. Your bestfriend then falls into depression. Tears. Tears. More tears than a river. All because you thought you would kill yourself because no one cares, right? You are loved, by many. Someone right now is thinking about you. You are beautiful, no matter if you're white, black, homosexual, tall, short, over weight or anorexic. You are beautiful. You want to kill yourself? Think about it first. There's no coming back. And I promise, if you do, you're not just hurting yourself, you're hurting many. You are creating more tears than you led your self into. You are making everyone miserable and making them all feel pain and guilt. Never will they feel whole like when they had you, you are beautiful and you are never alone. Please don't do this x

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I really like this boy who is two years older than me, we have never spoke and he is 'good friends' with one of my fiends sisters. I don't know what to do I see him walking with his 'good friend' and it makes me cry. what should I do?

you should go for it and talk to him! get his number, or just speak to him face to face. Get to know him a bit, and ignore the girl I'm sure they are just good friends and nothing else! xx

I dont like being a virgin. I want to have sex but im just nervous

I'm sure it will be fine, if you're ready then don't worry about it and go with it x

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I'm the only non virgin of all my friends. This girl really wants to have sex with me and I would be down but im really nervous. What if the condom breaks or doesnt work.. What if I cum too quick? What if i'm not big enough for her... What if I get her preg ugh..

thats fine, just don't feel rushed or do anything you don't want to do or you'll regret. Just take time to think about it, theres nothing wrong with still being a virgin.x x

I'm a girl but have short hair (I am growing it out though) and I don't think that lads like girls with short hair so wat shud I do cuz they all like girls with long hair but I don't and I really feel as if no lad will ever like me!!! Plz help me

a guy who will like you for who you are will come soon, you'll just have to wait:))x

one of my bestfriends is a guy and we have been good friends for couple of years now, but lately I think ive fallen in love with him. I want to tell him but I don't wanna ruin our relationship. I rather be friends instead of a couple but I don't want to be in love with him, can you help please?x

talk to another close friend about it, they will help you. For the mean time just carry on as normal, and it would be best if you did tell him, because you never know if he could like you back. Focus on other things x

One of my best friends has a crush on this guy, but apparently he likes me. I don't like him back and I feel so bad for my friend. What should I do?

if your best friend doesn't know this then make sure you tell her, avoid the guy and don't feel bad it's not your fault x

Thanks I have his number and we chat on Facebook at times but in person we barley say hi ...

Go for it an talk to him:') xx

My friend that I was friends with since I was 3 we drifted going to new schools etc i really want to become close with him again without being awkward or sending mixed signals if you get me what should I do ? Thanks x

just go for it and start talking to him, get his number/facebook/tweet him first and then see how it goes!x

i want to kiss him thou how would i do it? how do i make him make the "move"

hint it to him, look at his lips, or look into his eyes and lean in close x

i want to kiss my bf and he wants to kiss me but i dont want to do it infront of everyone but its the only time im with him and i cant meet him what shall i do?

tell him, I'm sure he will understand x

i was best friends with this boy and i began to fancy him then her asked me out i was over the moon now we r out and it dont feel right, i want to stay together but it dont feel right i want it to but it wont what shall i do ?

Talk to some close friends about how you feel, they'll help. Go with your heart, make sure you're happy x

My bestfriends hates the guy I like because he's my ex and she thinks I can do better , what shall I do?

I'm in the same position as you, tell your best friend how much you like him, if you're happy then she should be happy but don't fall out with your best friend over a guy x

i did try to but shes always horrible to me about it, now we arnt best friends ive loast her but she still flirts what shall i do!!!!!!????

ignore it and talk to your boyfriend again about it x

my bf wants to kiss me and i want to kiss him, but i dont want to do it infront of everyone at school what shall i do?

don't do anything you don't want to do, tell him about how you feel x

so theres this boy im out with and my bestfriend fancys him and she keeps flirting with him and i dont like it, he says he dont mind it and he dont notice it, what shall i do :'(

speak to her about it, she isn't a true best friend if she tries to take him away from you x

I feel so ugly compared to everyone in my friendship group..i cry myself to sleep and i cant even look in the mirror.I started cutting but stopped becuase i realised it was stupid but i just feel suicidal

hiya first of all don't compare yourself to anyone, it will just make yourself feel worse. Think of the good things not the bad things. Remember- you're beautiful, you're wanted, you're loved and you're needed. Alot of people care about you, you should talk to a close friend about how you feel, they could help you. You don't deserve to go through this alone. Remember, suicide is NOT the answer. Talk to us whenever you feel like it, we're here for you!x x

Thought they aint put a pic of each other and they don't hang round with each other at all and they go to the same skool wat does this mean and wat shud I do

he could just be trying to be friendly, not totally sure. Talk to him if you can, or his friends x

There's this lad at every single girl in my whole skool fancies and I didn't think much of it when he kept lking at me and smiling so yeah but how all his mates keep smiling at me and talking bout me and him when I walk by but I just found out he has a gf............



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