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Thank you for making this ask.fm, you've obviously helped a lot of people including me :) xo

aw no problem! xx

I just failed an exam and I have IGCSEs soon, I feel worthless p, help?

well if you can't retake your exam there's nothing you can do, talk to your teachers or whoever at school about it, and move on and work hard for your igcses :-)

i known this sweet anon on ask.fm, and i think he's quite interesting to talk with and i think he's interested to talk to me too. i don't know whether he's fake or he's real. :( the question is now, how to ask for his email or skype? i mean, i don't want to lose him as friend :L

The next time he talks to you say something like: 'what is your emal/skype? I will delete it after' he could be someone you know and be a bit shy x x

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There's this boy and we like each other, but he said he's not ready for a relationship. I feel like waiting for him to be ready is a mistake. His friends asked if I'm over him and i said yes. Even though I'm not. And now he's going after some other girl. What do I do?

You should tell him your true feelings. He could be ready for a relationship now, you'll just have to try x x

I REALLY like this guy , we've kind of been flirting for a while. I'm hoping that he'll ask me out soon. But there's kind of a problem ... He's black and my dad is extremely racist. I want to have a relationship with him but I know my dad would disaprove and be really upset with me...

If youre happy then go for it, your dad should be happy for you. You should sit him down and talk to him about it x x

I am tired of my friends talking behind my back. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of them being fake to me. I have two 'real' friends I guess you can say, but they don't go to my school. Its like I can't be happy through the day because my real friends aren't there and my fake ones hate me

Talk to them about it., make more friends! Theres no point wasting your time on people who dont care for you, speak to your parents and your true friends x x
Liked by: Charlotte

My best friend keeps self harming and I don't know what to do anymore

Tell her that you will always be beside her, that you care for her. Be a good friend to her and be there for her because im sure thats what she best needs right now x x

there's this girl at my school that is spreading a whole bunch of rumors about me what do i do cause i am loseing friends and if i approch her i will beat her so bad

talk to your friends about it, and just ignore the rumours. Or talk to your parents/teachers about it! xx

I'm sorry my English is bad so if u don't understand me just say. :) My problem is, that I have terrible ears and I'll probably do an ears surgery in the summer. Do you think I should tell my friends about that or no? :)

your english is amazing! and yes you should but it is up to you x x

i have this crush on this guy and i don't know how to tell him cause were like best friends

get him alone, and make casual conversation and then just tell him! I know its going to be hard but honesly its best if you just tell him. Good luck x x

I've asked you for advice before, about a girl that I thought I liked, but not being sure if I was lesbian or not. Now I know nothing would ever happen between us, it's all over the internet. I definitely like her, and would go as far to say I loved her. I just wanted to say thankyou, so much<3

:( no problem<3

hi, so i have a birthmark, its on my forehead..it's not as bad as other peoples i have seen on the net and stuff but i am really self conscious of it. i talked to my mum about getting surgery for it cus my forehead is big but i am worried that it wont work..i don't know what to doo..x

you shouldn't have to worry about it, I'm sure its fine but if you really want it then just keep talking to your mum about it, and try to persuade her. xx

Most of the girls my age have already shifted someone I feel under pressure but I don't know any boys that I feel like I could you know what should I do ?x

don't feel forced to do anything, take it slow. Do it whenever you're ready x

There's this boy. Me and him are best mates now although we used to date and some horrible things were said but now he likes my best friend but I like him...my friend doesn't like him at all what should I do?

well if she doesn't like him then there is nothing to worry about between him, I think you should tell him how you feel or just carry on being close to him and drop in the fact that you like him x x

I would tell. I just dont know what comes over me.. I just lose control. His shes 14. We were just hanging out like a normal day. Then we start play fighting and shit then she starts kissing me then we made out.. Then it just went off from there.. Idk whats wrong with me why I cant control it.

there's not much what you could do its just growing up, just try find a girl your own age x

I recently dyed my hair, and I'm afraid to go to school.. what if no one likes it?:(

don't worry about it! So have I and I was nervous but it's fine, just don't worry about what they think about it as long as you like it then you'll be fine :) xx

I know< I'm 16. And he would prob be mad.. Ive already fucked his sister and he doesnt know about it.. That was an accented.. If she turns me on my hormones just take over and I just do. Like I lose control some how.. Ugh

yeah I wouldn't if I were you, you could get her in big trouble x

My best friends mom who ive know since I was a child wants me to fuck her. She said she would keep it a secret. Shes really nice and pretty hot... What should I do?

I'm not sure how old you are but if you're under 18 then it's illegal. So I wouldn't do it, and what would your best friend think if they found out? x

but I'm scared he thinks I'm annoying and young also I think they are more than just friends :(

just go for it, you never know until you try! xx


Language: English