
بِ . الشمري ✨

Ask @bedoosha

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Hey again 😄 QOTD2/if you could make your own pizza BUT instead of food material,you put people 😂 Tell me who you wanna eat 😝 Stay fancy 👌 --queen T--

My brother 😂

Hey again 😳 QOTD2/If you were changed into the opposite sex 👩👨,what do you want your name to be?💙 Stay cool ☺ --queen T--


Hey Cuties😘 1-we're unfollowing everyone and we'll refollow only who answer this question because a lot don't answer us😭 2-how are we doing so far? 3-do you have any segestions,requests? 4-who's your fav #hc or queen T😂? 5-we love you so much you're like a big family to us💚 stay awesome 🙌

Why ?
What ?
How ?
There is a lot of questions 😂💔

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في تطبيق"استغفار"زي العداد،وفي تنبيه بصوت ورسائل،وتقدرون تلغونه المهم انو ممتاز،حملوه واستغلو الوقت،الاجر برمضان مضاعف👼.

يزاج الله خير 🍁
Liked by: رين.

للأجر يَ،قُرة عيني💎🍃:

للميت فرحه في قبره لا تصدق عندما يصله دعاء من أهل الدنيا اللهم إني أستودعك من بات في قبره وحيد اللهم ارحم جميع مواتنا و موتى المسلمين ..'

||+أكثر بيت أو مكان تحسين فيه بالآمان 🐬🔑؛

بيت العز ي بيتنا 🏡


أعيذُ أمي يالله من تعب الحياه
وتعب الجسد وشر عينّ البشر
ومن حُزن يجثو على قلبها🌸.

لكِ يَ أجمل من باريس هيلتون🌸🎷؛

ي رب اترك لي و لمن أحببت بقعةٍ صغيرة تحت ظل عرشك تظلّنا بها يوم نلقاك ربِ ارزقنا آمان ذلك الشعور .

Hey pretty people 😱❤ QOTD 1/where were you 3 hours ago ? Do you think someone was stalking you ? Have you ever stalked someone 😂? Stay healthy ❤ --queen T--

I don't know 😥

hey angel faces.. so which one expresses your personalty the best is it the sunset or the sunrise and why? never be afraid to be different #Hc

Sunset .


- ﴿ ضاحِكةٌ مُستَبشِرة ﴾.
اللهُم اجعلنا من أصحابها🍃💭.

مساحه لذكر الله 🍁

الرحمه المُبكيه.
يا أبن أدم لو بلغت ذنوبك عنان السماء ثم استغفرتني لغفرت لك.🍁
Liked by: اا

اليوم هو اليوم العالمي للصحون الطائرة، إذا قابلت كائن فضائي فما هو أول سؤال ستطرحه عليه؟

ليش ياينا هالحزه 😂

Hey again 😍 QOTD 3/Can a guy and a girl really be "just friends" ? Is there's a pure friendship without any feelings ? Why ? Why not? Stay honest 😉👌 --queen T--


Hey again 😜 QOTD2/If you could be any age for a whole week, what age would you like to be? And what do you think is the perfect age ? Stay magnificent 😍 --queen T--

25 . best & perfect age

hey again.. have you ever had a near death experiment? like you were soooo close to death that u can feel it ? if you had tell us about it ☺️☺️☺️ .. never give up on someone cuz u might be the spark that he needs to rise and shine #Hc

No alhamd Allah.

hey amazing follower .. do you believe in demons..ghosts..goblins..etc? if you do have you ever had an experiment with one? if you had tell us about it ..full stomach=happy person so stay happy 😆😁 #Hc

Yes I believe 😢 🏃🏻

Hey again 😳 QOTD2/Do you believe that you can be with someone, say nothing and walk away feeling like you've just had the best conversation in your life? Do you have such person in your life ? If so who is he/she ? Stay pretty 😍 --queen T--


Hey cupcakes ❤😘 QOTD 1/If you could breathe water like sea mammals and still breathe air, where would you choose to live your life, on land or in the sea? and why? Stay fabulous 🙌👌 --queen T--

On land
I can't believe I live under water


Language: English