
Princess B

Ask @bianca_QT

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Well I'm going because you aren't worth my time, oh and tell your "bf" I said that he's dating a Barbie

I sure will 😘

Yea I know it's pretty sad too. Society tells us to be ourselves yet we still get judged on just about everything.

The system created the stereotype for the black image that's why most people are scared to be different

Damn, some ppl really need to have some respect and let other people be happy with themselves. Everyone's so judgemental nowadays. It's actually kinda annoying🔫

Sometimes it sucks to be yourself cuz you always get judged

Oh is that so?😂 Bianca and I use to be best friends, I've seen her put on make up, and she does not put on a shit ton😂😂 trust me, I'd know

😂😂😂😂yea you would know

Because she's trying to hard and puts a shit Ton of makeup on, she's to skinny for her age

You're motherfuking peanut butter and jealous😎

Stop saying she's not pretty because she's not going to believe you anyways. Let her be. That just hurts me seeing someone that has themselves on anon telling my friend she isn't pretty. Why are you on anon saying it to her?

It's probably some ugly ass looking person behind a computer screen hating on me cuz they ain't me😂😂😂

Anon, you really think calling someone ugly is nice? No I didn't think so. Keep your negative comments to yourself. And let people be happy just as they are.

Thank you Mackenzie❤️


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