
Princess B

Ask @bianca_QT

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could you cope with being kept awake during surgery if you were totally numb

I'm so lucky for having such an amazing boyfriend 🙈☺️

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You really pregagnt or yall just joking? cause if you are joking that shit ain't non to be fucking around with. Some couples lost or can't have babies for you two little as kids to be making jokes out of it.

It was an experiment to see what everyone would do. Adams friends actually excepted the fact that he was gonna be a dad and they were there for him and respected him. But on my side. Half of y'all be hating on me but not Adam. It's wrong because teens now a days feel bad that they got pregnant. MISTAKES HAPPEN. All you do is hate. You give the females stress. It's bs. Grow up. If I was actually pregnant it shouldn't concern you. It's my problem to deal with. Don't be sitting behind a screen saying bad stuff, how we aren't gonna last and that it was a mistake. ITS MY LIFE MY BODY. I can do what I want. If I'm not pregnant it still shouldn't concern you. This is ridiculous. I'm proud of you teen moms for going through all this. I couldn't do it. 💯💯

Everyone leave Bianca the fuck alone. She's clearly not in the mood. She doesn't want to have all your shitty questions. Please stop. Let her be and be on her own.


unless you have a lot of money. Better wake up to reality soon. Just take my advice

I'm living reality

you think its all fun and games, but you and your boyfriend won't last through this pregnancy i know from experience

I thought you actually left for good but I guess nah. Why are you telling me we won't last? If you're not God then don't tell me we aren't gonna last. Jeez this is our business it doesn't involve your crusty ass. You're not welcomed here take a seat mf.
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