
JOY 

Ask @blahloby

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Do u have curfew

Kinda, if Im coming home late I'll have to tell my dad before I go out. Otherwise... Around 11?

are your parents angry that they found out you are a sexually active person?

I don't know, they just ask me to stay safe...

but she cant do it for you at home?

She can but uh my baby brother is kinda annoying and he's too curious about everything.

when you was doing ur waxing you find it comfortable?

Yeah it was tickly and fun haha and it feels so clean afterwards!!

ohh okay but when she does it wont she finds out if you are sexually active or not?

Huh? You mean wax my vajayjay?

is it painful to do waxing?

Everyone has different pain tolerant levels but for me it didn't hurt at all, even my first time, it kinda tickles if it makes sense. It might be because I have rather small pores. It might hurt more if you have thicker hair, but the process is very fast so it'll be over very soon :)

ur mum helps you with it in ur room?

Nope at her shop :) but it's not operating anymore cause she got pregnant.

is the waxing shop all female workers doing the waxing only?

Uh yeah I suppose so, cause my mum was a manicurist and she did it for me, I've never gone to other shops to do before.


Language: English