

Ask @blehmehblehmeh

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authornim i just want to thank you for writing such a beautiful fic ilysm <333 I'm sure your sequel would be wonderful as well looking forward to it!! asdfghjkl i really love tfibbh so much I LIVE FOR YOUR UPDATES T^T ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Woo! Thank you! I'm thinking of writing a foreword for the sequel soon, please look forward <33333

So, the sequel is about Chanyeol’s side? Action? What does this meaaaannnn

It's just more of Chanyeol's POV and at the same time shows Chanyeol's flaws. Action won't happen until maybe halfway through? That's when angst disappears woohoo!

Hi this is Reigne. The sequel, I hope its not angst 😭 like I don’t wanna think bad from the both of them :( are they gonna end up good together? Like what is it like? Are they gonna break up? Noooooooooo.....

Hello! Don't worry dear, there will always be happy endings when it comes to tfibb 😁

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so the sequel is going to be 10 chapters long?? Wow if it is then i'll be so happy!!! And will it be like a shorter version of tfibbh but from chanyeol's pov? (P.s. I love you❤️ and thank you so much for writing all these beautiful fics, not only tfibbhㅠㅠ)

Yes, 10 chapters long! 😊 Thank you so much ♥️

So the sequel will be completely chanyeol? No CHANBAEK? No joo?

It is still from Chanyeol's perspective but this time focuses more on Chanyeol's flaws and is centered more around Chanyeol rather than Baekhyun.

Hmm, regarding titles, I actually LOVE "the faults in park Chanyeol" liKe OMG THATS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD

IT SOUNDS SO LAME THO I cringe every time I think about it 😭😭😭
Even though it sounded like an AMAZING idea the first time I thought about it

Hi! Is the sequel about chanyeol then? 😊

Hm, predominantly! :D
I'm sure there is only about 1-2 chapters out of 10 chapters in the sequel that will talk about Baekhyun ^_^

I'm sure it gonna be as good as tfibb ☺️☺️ but i hope there won't be too much angst cuz i can't handle it 😢😢

Aw dear, I know the angst will pay off! <33333333

"Yes! I will write a sequel for Tfibb 😄 It's not very happy though 😞" What does this mean!! 😢😢

So the genre of the sequel will be:
angst (predominantly) & action 😊😊😊 I will probably upload the forward for the sequel first, so you can take a look at what is going to happen! However, I'm still deciding on the title ...
I'm not sure if it should be "The flaws in Park Chanyeol" because honestly it sounds kinda dumb since tfibb already exists but at the same time it's similar to tfibb and kind of symmetric and gives off a very satisfying feeling 😊 So what do you think?

I love reading ur angst fics. I have this in mind, since u r really gud making angst fic can I request for Kaisoo angst oneshot regarding to Kai dating??? Please authornim.

Hm, well firstly it depends on a few factors.
1. I'm quite busy and thinking of taking a full hiatus for the rest of the year after tfibb and its sequel finishes.
2. I'm not into Kaisoo at all.
3. I'm not sure what to write on????
But if I have a good plot in mind, I'll make sure to write it for you 😚 At least a drabble, if a plot comes to mind. Please don't expect too much from me.

nooooooooooooo😭😭😭 hunhan can never be just friends! they are more beautiful than that😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 please make them end up together in tfibb

Are you saying friendship is not beautiful? 😣
Liked by: ChanBaek Fantasies

Hi :) I just want to say that I enjoy TFIBB so much and I salute the way you write it. Please don't end it yet, I still want to savor TFIBB. Thank you very much and more power :) PS Please make it a happy ending if you may.

Aww dear tfibb is going to end soon 😭 but there's still a sequel! It's going to be a very different feeling though so I understand ...
Liked by: ChanBaek Fantasies

Has anyone in your life ever betrayed you?

Hm, if they do, it's not significant enough for me to remember 😊

Hi I'm the one that asked about the sequel and one shots :3 I didn't expect it to be happy really, I have a lot of thoughts about things and whether angsty or fluffy,,, I'm v excited 😃👌🏼😊

Thank you soooo much for supporting! I hope you'll like the sequel <3333

Hi! I was just wondering how long does it take for you to write a one shot? ( like Real or ect)

Hmm, I guess it depends on how big my idea is
Usually, a week or so 😄

I was going to recommend her story everlasting but you said you didn't want angst.....it really is great though you should read!! I don't usually read incomplete too but! 1001 is not complete but.....THE FLUFF! BIKER CHANYEOL AND BAKER BAEKHYUN 😏😏😏

Well, unfortunately I put myself up the risk and read it 😢
Do not tempt me ....... It sounds very good already ... I can't put myself up to the pain of waiting for updates 😭😭😭
Liked by: R.

Hahaha nope. Its just Im scared baek will leave yeol and omg.. 😭😭😭 Hope u update soon!^^

Awww 😣😣😣 They'll be fine dear, they've gone through so much together 😄
Liked by: R.

Will you be writing more one shots and stories after TFIBB? Maybe even a sequel?

Yes! I will write a sequel for Tfibb 😄 It's not very happy though 😞
If I get the inspiration, I will write more oneshots (I seem to be more suited to those), but no guarantees! 😊
Liked by: R.

I was the one who asked you about hardest emotional stories to write.you weren't babbling at all <3 every time I re read Real I cry even though I try not to ;; whenever Baekhyun was reading the notes and it was like Chanyeol was talking to him from the beyond the dead and UGH GETTING SAD AGAIN ;;

Aw T_T I'm sorry for making you sad. But for me, all the stories I write I try to use a different style/genre. I think in the past I've read all those stories that were tragic and angsty but so beautifully written, and at the same time so ambiguous, so I wanted to try writing like that. Since I'm someone who likes to put in every single obvious detail into the story and leave it fully explained, it was really hard for me to leave things out in "Real", so I hope it was ambiguous enough for you! 😄 Thank you for reading "Real" though, I was so happy when it got featured <3
Liked by: 변백현

Hello!! tfibb is rly good its like the best ff ever c: Will there be a happy ending tho ><

Thank you~ There are so many fics out there that are way better than mine though 😄😄😄
Of course! Why do so many people question it? Do I make it too depressing for you? 😞😞😞 I'm sorry 😞😞😞

Will joohyung ever appear again in the story? And after tfibb, will you write more?

As for Joo, no, he won't appear in tfibb ^.^
I'll post the sequel for tfibb, but after that, I might take a break for the rest of the year, it depends ^.^

i'll recommend this one for now! http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1104410 it has just started but it's super duper fluffy! and it's by chi! actually i just recommend you read everything by chi i just want chi^2 to unite you're both my favorites and i screamed when i saw her on your ask lol

But I'll read her completed fics and I'll tell you what I think once I'm done 😂
Liked by: R.

Sooooo in "The faults in Byun Baekhyun" will you ever make Hunhan end up together?? 💔💔💔oh please do

Not really 😄 Don't worry though, friendships are just as powerful as romance!
Liked by: R.


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