
Blue roses

Ask @bluerainbowrose

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cisss nakk yangg hensenggg gituu jee --' mana nak cr tahh. hero bangla nak tak? ahahah

natasharachella’s Profile Photoqeera
haha..bukan yg hensem la.. yg x hensem pon x pa..waakaka..bangla? dah jodoh nak wat cm na?

oheemmgeeee... kasha usung bawak g spital. ke nak cpr? ahaha

x payah usung haha..pengsan seminit je pon..wakaka..cpr klo nickhun yg buat nak la...haha *joke

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kasha lelaki. haaha. jomm ahh :p ciss. ahaha. rose mengucing gelak kasha --'

lelaki la sgt..jd tol2 pdn muka :P haha.. mengucing? apa tu? haha XD
Liked by: qeera

ohemmmgeee.. bertukarrr! ahaha. ada super power. ahaha :p kawinn?? kawinn je lah. eceh macm nak kawin esok --

hahaha super power la sgt..ekekeke nak kawen gn sapa tu? hehe ;P

hahaha. kunsa semulajadi. ahaha. ciss dah gali tapi tak jumpa. agaga. laki ni serius. wakaka

natasharachella’s Profile Photoqeera
owh kunsa? err cm na nak kawen? ekekeke..esok jadi laki btol2 bru thu..huhu
Liked by: qeera

deep meaning ni -- . cakaaaap siapa. ahaba. kunsa? ada duaaa? ahaha.

natasharachella’s Profile Photoqeera
deep ka? haha kena gali tu..hehe..kunsa x pasti laki ke pompuan ckp keliru td..agaga

orang tu orang mana --' hahaa kenapa kena terasaaa. ahaah. kasha keliru identity. mcm lakii je. ahaba

natasharachella’s Profile Photoqeera
ntah x thu sapa..lalalala :P keliru? err kunsa ka? haha

Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and thundered threatening the three-D thoughts of Matthew the thug - although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty year old thug thought of

natasharachella’s Profile Photoqeera
atass tu berbelit2 nak sebut ==' agaga yg bawah ok sikit..hehe XD nak dgr akk sebut..pfft
Liked by: Ayue Lukeer's qeera

hahaha. tak tergeliat lidah yang ni. ahaba "The big bug bit the little beetle, but the little beetle bit the big bug back."

natasharachella’s Profile Photoqeera
haha yg ni pon rasa mcm ok ja..wakaka..akk mbik ezam ke ni? hehe
Liked by: Nak Apa? qeera


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