

Ask @bondwithbee

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Can you forgive a person but not trust them?

Absolutely. Forgiveness is not so easy but can be achieved. Trust on the other hand is much more difficult to get back

What is your dream laptop?

2020 Apple MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar, M1 Processor, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Space Grey 😊

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What does it mean if someone tells you that you mean something to them and then ignore you or go cold on you?

It could mean a number of things…1) that they do care about you but they are dealing with stuff they don’t necessarily want to share. 2) that they were lying about caring for some reason ☹️

I think this girl I'm talking to still has feelings for her ex, what should I do?

🥺 I think you should come outright and ask her. And be prepared for whatever answer you get. If she says yes, is that something you can deal with? If she says no, are you going to take her word for it?

👋 What do I do if people gossip about me?

It’s hard but you need to ignore them. People will always have things to say

Do you take an interest in the human mind; have you ever wanted a career in psychology or criminology for instance?

ClaudiaHobbs’s Profile PhotoClaudia ❤
Absolutely. The human mind fascinates me

Which is more important, Faith or Intelligence?

Faith. Faith is so powerful. Without faith, seeming impossibilities remain impossible.

My partner says he doesn’t love me anymore and tells me to leave. Then in the next breath saying he just wants me to stop my shit?

You deserve more than someone who isn’t sure about you and doesn’t rate you. Choose yourself and your happiness first x

Is it disrespectful that my best friend is trying to be friends with someone I cut ties off with because of stuff they called me and my best friend is using them as a backup plan?

I think you should talk to your friend if you’re feeling uncomfortable with their friendship with this person who made you feel bad. I also think it’s a bit problematic that your best friend wants to be friends with someone like that

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