

Ask @bonesandscars12

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if you could have one power what would it be (telepathy, telekanesis, flying)

being invisible.
seeing that i already am.
Liked by: jord@n!

if you could go to one country in the world where would you go?

Well, seeing that i'm Irish and I have never been to Ireland....
i might be going this summmmer.

Wait where r ur friends & parents, teachers etc. when ur getting bullied....is this high school?

i have like no friends anymore. they all turned on me. and the 1 that i do have, is always gone
my mom doesn't really care.
and idrc about my teachers. and its a k-8 school...

how severe are you bullied?

at my old school: i came home with bruises and all that.
at my new school: ever since the accident, not so much now. but i still get called names and to go kill myself.

my reputation is the sunny girl, super friendly, honest, nice, group of friends etc.

i'm nice thoo.
nobody likes me still.
oh well.

you just woke up?? its night...school tomorrow

i had a nap.
lol i know there is school.
i don't wanna face it though.

what accounts on twitter do u enjoy talking to or wish u can talk to more?

i like talking to everybody on my anon one
on my personal, my friend Emma :)

Do me a fan sign?:D

sorry i look horrible.
i just woke up and my eyes were bright red before.
best i could do :$

you're so fucking dumb. seriously. like, the bands you listen to..what the actual fuck. they suck!

Your music:
Nicki Minaj: You a stupid hoe, you a stupid hoe
Drake - Almost drowned in the pussy, so i swam to the butt
My Music:
Redlight King: There's someone lookin' out for me,I came out of the darkness
My Darkest Days: Surrounded by every lie that won't come true
Now you wanna take the time but why would you
Think you're gonna make it right but how could you
So I can't stay, surrounded by every lie


Language: English