

Ask @bonesandscars12

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Ever dyed your hair?

haha funny story.
I tried dying my hair a kinda bright red the summer of '13
so I bleached my hair and that didn't turn out great, but we still put the dye in and the lady at the store gave me fuckin orange instead of red and my roots were bright orange for a week and I showered 5 times a day to get the color out as fast as I could and it just turned out horrible

piercings you want/have?

got my industrial & first holes, use to have my nose and belly.
I want to repierce my nose, and space my ears again, second nose piercing, second holes, chest dermal & maybe cartilage

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what animals do you have / want

I have 2 dogs, 2 cats & a hamster
I want a bun but my brothers allergic and I'm sad about that

What is your favorite magazine?

my flipping alarm clock broke and i still have no phone so im using a stupid online alarm clock that probably doesnt even work :(

sarah verhoek?

I honestly believe we've been through a lot of shit since we've known each other, and i admit we we're both kind of immature about it but I really hope we're past all that because I'd really like to start talking to her again. (:
Liked by: sarah verhoek

makeup routine?

Eye shadow
Liquid eyeliner
Lip liner & lipstick
& sometimes I do my eyebrows lmao


Language: English