
Hans Bosshard

Ask @bosshardhans

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What's the worst thing that can happen to you at prom?

that you don't get to go to prom
everything else is just unfounded, irrational fears

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What be your own definition of maganda? (physical properties)

Beauty to me when it comes to physical properties is rather broad. Just bring what you have with finesse, have good character and you're beautiful in my eeeeeeeyes~ (no but really)

What do u think of Gabby Espinosa ? =)

Kind, brains with the beauty, good character. Overall good person to be around with :bd 10/10 would hang out

Are there other techie people from lower batches that you know from your school?

2nd year, a lot. Past that, no not really..

oh come ooon (i saw your answer :P) college is boring and you can ALWAYS take a year off. i mean, just imagine dancing with Africans or Cubans to the rhythm of mexican songs while drinking tinto de verano <3

Gabby Espinosa
I could use that cash to get me a better school to go to instead of squandering it on whatever trip. Also if I do take the year off chances are it'll be tambay sa bahay :))

What will you do or where will you most probably go aftr highschool ?

As much as I want to chill out and spend a year off school living somewhere else (like the CEO of the peeps that franchised CPK in the Philippines, forgot his name sorry), I doubt my parents would allow me. So instead I'll go to college either in UP, La Salle, Mapua or Ateneo (libre lang naman mangarap, sana UNSW or Univ. Of Nottingham :)) )

what is YOUR relatipnship with Mika right now?

I'm sorry but that's a bit too personal :) I'm a somewhat open book but I do have my limits, especially when other people are involved

what is you relationship with mika right now?

What is me relationship with Mika? Sorry, I don't understand the question :)

do you love mika reyes?

If I were to be completely honest, not quite. It's not that I don't like her, it's just that I don't want to take things too seriously at this point in time. Sure we may turn out to be together in the future but at this stage, I don't think this is something that can be considered true love just yet :)

What are you looking forward to in the new year?

Our wifi project, prom, mom going back to the Philippines, SUMMAH VACATION, 4th year, college applications, college entrance exams, colleges, maaaaaaybe run as club president
A lot of things. 2014 is gonna be an exciting year, probably with hardships but hopefully with awesome stuff to back it up.

What is your opinion on the current state of the Philippine politics and economy? Are you pro or against the Aquino administration?

Economy is slowly improving not because everyone's working hard at it but because we are a naturally rich country when it comes to resource and agriculture. We could do better. Oh and the real estate market is gonna crash soon. I mean, look at all those buildings developers are building. Who's gonna buy all of those?
Politics, it's just like the US except people aren't that stupid and the crooks are not really kept in the shadows. Also, politics will kill you, either death by gun, death by medical condition or death by privilege speech, not to mention the inability to walk through the front gate of the airport without a wheelchair (huehue)
As for the Aquino administration, he's just an upgraded version of his mother in the sense that Cory had advisers and priests to ask with decisions while PNoy had himself and advisers when it comes to a few decisions. I say few because what has he done apart from doing a pep talk, blaming the previous administration for all the problems we see today and coaxing leaders into his "tuwid na daan"?
I wonder what will happen in the next presidential elections, knowing that we fell back to PNoy because of the "Aquino" name. God forbid we resort to a Binay (in that case, we better know who they are because they'll "own the country")

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You do know there's a given sexual innuendo in saying you think beautiful chocolate men are yummy, right? hahaha

Gabby Espinosa
I think chocolate shaped like men, not men looking like chocolate :P

Can you make up a new word and give its definition?

scragequit - the moment when you're so screwed you just ragequit (could've been handy awhile ago...)
Liked by: Mika Moosh


Language: English