
Hans Bosshard

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What is romance then?

Passion and all :v
You love your parents and your significant other, but you don't love them in the same way :bd

then what's the difference of romantic love and platonic love?

Romance. :v
However romance alone does not constitute love. It's like getting a plate of cheese and saying you have mac & cheese

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Basically, I just thirst for love all the time no matter what pain I'm going through. The idea of love is no longer in my heart, but on my mind. What should I do for this never-ending cycle to stop? 2/2

I'm guessing you're a teenager as well. Hormones, presumably.
Idk. Mindset works too. People are people regardleas of gender :v I mean sure we have gender biases in our culture, but you have to look beyond your "burning with passion" feeling if you want to treat the opposite sex as your equal.
Also I have reason to believe you're not thirsting for love. You're longing for passion, or maybe even company. It's probably your feelings that need to be quenched. Love in romantic relationships? Probably not. Love just doesn't happen. You don't meet someone and within a few seconds, boom. There's more to romance than that :v

What was the last argument you had?

It was between me and the spreadsheet I was working on awhile ago. The spreadsheet won.
Numbers don't (usually) lie, folks :v

Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy?

No clue what I'd prefer, but I'd want to experience both. It's only when you've gone to your lowest that you appreciate your peak even more. :v
It grounds you, that you may wander up high in life, but you know who you are and where you're bound to.

Favorite quote?

I have a ton, actually :v most of them I vaguely know the ideals but not necessarily what was stated verbatim, so I googled and here's a few of em :bd
"Every person that you meet knows something you don't; learn from them." - H. Jackson Brown
"Ang pagtatanong ay isang sining" (There is an art to asking questions) - Lourd De Veyra
"A man might die but not his ideals. You can kill the person, but not what the person is fighting for." - Ms. Cecille Valenzuela
"Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst" Henri Cartier-Bresson
"The best camera is the one that's with you" - Chase Jarvis
"Do or do not; there is no try" - Yoda
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" -Edmund Burke

What's your favorite video game?

well Flight Sim is considered a video game so... FSX?
Thing is, more often than not it doesn't feel like one :v

How jealous are you, on a scale of 0 (not) to 10 (extremely)?

Depends, I guess. However, it's one of those emotions that I can feel is worse inside than what I show, regardless of what I'm jealous over.
It's probably my mind going "oi heart you're being an idiot again"
Liked by: Dona Lee

Do you want to get the Apple Watch?

I'd much prefer a legit watch that would tell me the time with a battery life of ~1 month - virtually forever
(and cost way less :v)
Liked by: Yejahhh

Do you like Coke or Pepsi? Why?

Coke would be my choice, but reg is sugary, light is bland, and zero tastes like medicine
Pepsi is the more refined version of coke, but generally around the same
Ice Tea all the way (except with Pizza, Pepsi tastes goooood)
Liked by: Yejahhh

What do you order at Starbucks?

I don't usually order from Starbucks :v
(If I do, espresso frap)
(Also yardstick and curator has better coffee for ~same price)

What is your favorite waste of time?

Computers, music, etc.
It's not wasting time in its absolute sense, really. Sure, you were supposed to do something else, but you got something from what you did anyways, even if it's just a little bit.

How would you define love?

Love encompasses a lot of things, that's why it's hard to define love.
It's kind of like describing a person born blind a color; You won't be able to know wuat love truly is until you experience it for yourself.
(Also ples, love =/= attraction/affection/admiration. Sure they show the hints of it, but to take those as a representation of love is like saying this kiddie pool is just like the ocean)
Liked by: Gab Estrada Dona Lee

What is love?

Love is giving someone who slapped you coffee, disregarding the fact that he caused you pain and suffering, setting aside the take and receive crap and giving him coffee because coffee is awesome and we're supposed to treat everyone in an awesome way regardless of the circumstances.
Love is what makes us more than just human.

Would you rather have white hair or no hair?

White hair
(But I have a feeling engineering will make me end up with no hair so :v)


Language: English