
Hans Bosshard

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If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It's hard to decide between all the awesome songs...
All I can say is that it's prolly gonna be from 2000's-ish OPM, Queen, the good semi oldies songs or FOB.

geek or nerd?

Using Merriam Webster's definition, I'd say I'm more of a Geek.
Geek (n) an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity , or a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked
Nerd (n) an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits
I'm not THAT much of a social outcast, so I'd say Nerd. The definition of both is really blurred since both are slangs used by a lot of people in the same situations. Oh well.

know any websites that i can download songs?

beemp3, skullmp3, torrent for full albums and/or FLACs
Don't ask how I know

What's your favorite thing about where you live?

It's not that safe, but it's safe enough that I can walk around the city during daylight in peace :)

what do you think id the worst thing about you or your hatest thing about yourself

There are several bad things about me, and I can't pick which is the worst. But I don't hate these things about myself, because they are what makes up who I am, and I just live with it instead of whining about it :)

Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

Behind. I'm not a good actor nor am I photogenic, but I know a thing or two about photography and videography :)

Are you outgoing or shy?

Mix of both, depends who I am with and on my general mood for that day. If I feel like mingling, then I mingle. If I feel a bit more introverted and want to keep things to myself, then so be it.

Let me rephrase. Are you single and happy or taken and peaceful?

If you'd allow me to mix and mash, taken and happy :) Otherwise, yeah taken and peaceful :)

Are you single and proud or taken with ease?

"Taken with ease"? Seriously guys/girls, go make your questions a bit more concise.

Why are you such a dork?

(derp, I didn't read the question properly :P)
The word "Dork" has a lot of meanings. Please specify.

If you could go back and witness one historical event, what would it be?

Christine Lai
The Marcos Regime and the people power revolution. I have so much information in my head I can't decide who is telling the truth, who's telling the biased truth and who's not telling the truth. I'll explain.
You may have heard PNoy and Cory and everyone else talk about how shitty Marcos was, but I've talked to countless aged taxi drivers and random neighbors who actually liked Marcos' era. And if you think about it, PNoy, the Aquinos and the Catholic Church are all against Marcos, and everyone believes them because they are technically in a state of power.
Marcos might have been shitty, but maybe he wasn't that bad as our leaders are putting him. Yes he might've screwed up a bit but how much bad did he actually screw up?
Sorry for the long answer :P

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Give it my 100% plus more. If I can't fail and I know I can avoid failure, there's nothing to worry about provided I give it my best shot. if my best wasn't good enough, try harder next time (if there is one)


Language: English