
Hans Bosshard

Ask @bosshardhans

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What is your favorite bible version?

NLT or NIV :v mostly because it's easier to understand with the english we speak today, as well as being able to convey its message well. :v

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What hairstyle looks best on girls?

the hairstyle that fits them the most.
The thing with humans is they don't come as if they were cookie cuttered from flesh :v and with that, there's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to style. It really depends on who's hairstyle we're talking about. And even so, it's not black and white. You still have choices :v
(also there's this thing about beauty being relative so :v)
(oh and add to that is that what other people may think about your style may differ from what you're comfortable with so :v)
Liked by: ches g.

What is your most treasured possession?

My relationships with other people
(Or if you don't like abstract stuff, my computer probably :v)
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When one should stop learning?

*When should one stop learning?
Once they die, I guess. Life will keep teaching you things until your very last breath :bd

What is the Universe made of?

(not that shitty romantic love crap, I'm talking real love here not some hormonal stuff)

If you could draw happiness, what would it look like?

A blank piece of paper.
Happiness is appreciating what you have, even if it was nothing :v
(Wooh deep)
Liked by: kappa mikey

What is the hardest thing to do?

Mend a broken heart
It depends, I guess. Perhaps the hardest thing an individual can do is to do things that isn't of that person. I.e. be someone you're not.

how do you heal a broken heart?

You can only do so much to mend a wound, sometimes the only thing left to do is wait. :bd

to reverse the question, What do you think is the best feature being in the chorale/pilot class?

The fact that you share similar traits. Being so, you can unite to a certain cause and achieve stuff. :bd


Language: English