
Brittani Andrus

Ask @brittaniandrus19

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Why aren't you gonna be friends with her?

I don't need that, what's the point of being friends when everyone says she talks shit on me & then we don't even hangout so exactly there is no point.
Liked by: Teanaaaaa Enya

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This is ridiculous, if you don't want to be friends with her, then don't be.

That's exactly what I'm doing.

She has no one anymore haha, you just dropped her ass like everyone else.

Haha, this was a two person situation we both could've tried but we didn't and therefore your right we aren't.

So you're basically blaming it all on Kalinna for playing sports?

No, I'm saying that I have shit to do with my life and she has shit to do in hers. I couldn't care less about any of this tbh.


Tbh it's really annoying how you guys keep saying I put my boyfriend before Kalina Bc that's a bunch of shit, she got into sports knowing what she had to give up I hangout with Joey because we both have free time not Bc I'm trying to put anyone before anyone get it through your minds or gtfo my ask.
Liked by: Teanaaaaa

I don't think it's all her fault here, you kinda put your boyfriend in front of her. But it's your choice, not mine. ?☕️

My boyfriend has nothing to do with this.

Who all said it?

Just people who have seen it on here, it's not really a big deal things happen for reasons I guess.

But you are agreeing with them saying you should find someone better than her??

Not one time did I agree with them, I said a lot of people say that that's all.

Why is everyone being so rude to her? She's losing everyone, cut her some slack.

I'm not being rude I have said nothing.

Are u and kalinna even friends?

I haven't talked to her but as far as I know we don't hate each other we're just not as close now.

First of all Joeys your boyfriend. You're supposed to be with him more than other people. Kalina's into sports and doesn't have time for you so she should be the one getting shit. Y'all are dumb for trying to make her feel bad for hanging out with her boy smh.

Thank you!


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