
Callie Braswell

Ask @calliebraswell

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But in all honesty you didn't include me in a group chat so that's just even more upsetting 😭😭😭😭

ITS NOT WORKING - NONE OF MY BLOODY APPS ARE WORKING. (Tbh I probably spilled some bleach on my phone and now it's not working)

Welcome to where people hate all night because they can be on anon!

It's actually actually extremely entertaining and doesn't bother me one bit. I'm in love with this app! 😂
Liked by: Victoria Namanny

I just want to say that you have done an amazing job with Brew, and to not listen to the negativity. I have followed you since you had Sunshine and I have absolutely loved you. I can tell by your posts/attitude that you are strong and can do what you set your mind to❤️Good luck with NAYJRC(?)!!❤️

I wish I knew who just said this because I think I may cry (?¿ - stop getting so emotional Callie gosh) ❤️ honestly it's comments like these that keep me going & to whoever you are please know that you made my night!

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What is the highest you have jumped Brew? Have you XC schooled him yet?

I answered this a few questions back if you wanna check it out :)

I'm sorry. Your really nice and pretty but your dreams are really unrealistic. - your butt

I didn't know God was returning to earth so soon? unless you are God and have literally seen the future, please do not ever try to tell me or anyone else what they can and can't do. - someone smarter than you
Liked by: MSS Victoria Namanny

Are you planning on using a martingale with Brew in the future? Or just getting him into a completely natural headset?

I won't rule it out but he's doing great without one!

"why don't you give a release" lol what???? Brew has his head in every single jumping picture. in every picture he is obviously comfortable and his neck is stretched out fine. amazing. you've had this ask for like 5 minutes and you're already receiving hate

Well you're perfect aren't you? Thanks for this! I learned when I had my old Instagram that people are going to say what they want and I can't change that! better to stay positive and happy rather than negative and mean. I really appreciate this though!! ❤️💞

What's the highest you have jumped Brew? Have you XC schooled him before? Thanks!👅

I think the highest I've jumped brew is like 2'4 or 2'? Right now we are really focusing on getting him balanced in the trot and canter since it's hard at times to get him straight. My new trainer is absolutely flawless and I love her! she helps us more and more every lesson! Yes I have taken him xc schooling once but he slipped and fell so we called it a day after only being there for 20 minutes.

Which hemets fo you recommend?

I'm guessing you were asking about helmets? LOL. I love samshield (HINT HINT ON MY NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO TOMORROW) and my precious Charles Owen has served me 4 beautiful years and has no flaw. It all depends on your head type and what fits you best. :-)
Liked by: MSS

I absolutely adore you!!!!! I remember following you while you had Sunshine. It was amazing your progress with her. I can't wait to see what you do with Brew!!! I think Prelim in 2 years is more than a realistic goal, by the way!!!! Praying its a good year for you Callie 💕

Thank you. Words do not describe how amazingly amazing people like you are and how much your words can really help. What is your instagram? I would love to follow you.

pap of your room and tack locker

I'll pap of my tack locker tomorrow - room looks like a tornado hit it

right its always difficult to tell what's actually going on in the picture! sorry i assumed you were trying to jump it haha! though elbow to bit is v important so no matter the scenario, the horse will learn to use his shoulder. too much repetitive blocking will result in "lazy knees"

Oh it wasn't blocking him though, we're trying to get him to use his hind end instead of trying to launch over it. But I appreciate it, really I do :-)

Do you really think you can take an ottb from not even jumping yet to 1* in 2 years? If so, that is way pushing it. I absolutely love you and brew but you need to be way more patient than that. This has been posted previously. Last time I checked you weren't Doug Payne, a successful eventer.

Yep I definitely think I can, thank you!! With my trainer and team I think we can. I'll be happy if I can get to training/prelim in 2 years!! Not 1*. Which I did say after I said that, maybe if you had better hearing instead of selective hearing you could think about what you type. But thanks for trying to help. I really really appreciate it!

3'3 hunters with paddy as in 3'3 junior Hunters or pre greens? Or do you mean just schooling shows

For now just as in schooling shows. Eventing is my prime focus.

What made you purchase Sunshine if she had such a bad working attitude? I mean other than her adorable face

I thought I could fix her. And we didn't know in the beginning how bad it was.

I'm really glad you have Paddy now. How is he related to sunshine?

He's not, it was a joke unfortunately. They look so much alike. He just reminds me so much of her.
Liked by: Gretchen Eisenberg


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