

Ask @carlycarbonate

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How fluent are you in Japanese? :3

Not fluent at all.
I studied for 3 years in high school and then my college didn't have Japanese so I didn't take it again for maybe 3 years until a 5 week summer class abroad and then 1 college semester at another school. I can read and write better than I can speak, I think. But it's still really hard because I had so many gaps in my learning that I forgot so much of it. I'm trying to get a lot better though. That's part of why I came to Japan for a year.

Do you get along easily with Japanese guys? Have you faced any challenges while interacting with them?

I haven't had a problem with anyone here. I get along with everyone I work with just fine too. The only challenges are the language barrier depending on how well the other person knows English. Mostly it's just funny for both me and the other person involved when it takes a whole to figure out what the other is saying. People here are generally very polite so they're easy to get along with I think.
Liked by: Siri

How much of a shopper are you?

Mentally I am a serious shopper but my bank account won't let me make it a reality.

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How old were you when you first went to japan and how much did it cost if I may ask

I went for the first time the summer before my senior year of college. I was 20 and it was a study abroad program for about 5 weeks. I think the program itself was maybe 4k (including a place to stay and courses) and then the cost of the plane ticket on top of that.

Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?

I had a Japanese friend from kindergarten but she moved back to Japan and I actually saw her last time I was there.

What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying?

Absolutely everything in the top 40 except Lorde.

hey you remind me of the girl from sex drive as well

Is this supposed to be a compliment? Not sure what about her reminds you of me.
I saw the movie so long ago that I forget anything besides that it wasn't very good.

What do you like like/dislike about members of the opposite sex? :)

Sharry ShaAl (✔)
I don't like making generalizations but here are a couple specific instances:
I have had experiences where guys think they can take advantage of me because they think they are in some kind of higher position and they can help me out or something. I don't like that because they assume I'm stupid and don't know that they're just trying to take advantage of me.
I also don't like when guys refuse to talk about their feelings. A lot of the time they really just don't know how because they grow up learning that talking about feelings is a "feminine" thing and is therefore a bad quality. So it's not their fault exactly but it's still a shame and often complicates things.

so it's hard to shop for clothes because you are small and curvy at the same times. makes sense

Yeah exactly. People assume that if you are thin then you are just like a stick or something but that's not true for everyone. It's so hard to mass produce clothing because it's never going to fit everyone well.

What's your favorite kind of art to draw/paint/what have you?

It depends what I'm trying to do. I am really into these nice pens that Muji sells and have been drawing a lot with a pink one of those. But the last pieces I finished were mostly in oil paint. I would like to work in that more in the future.

are you ticklish? do you like being tickled?

I am and no I don't I think it's kind of annoying and then I laugh too much and it's hard to breathe and not fun.


Language: English