

Ask @carlycarbonate

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What do you think about Italy?

I've never been there! But the food looks amazing and they have a lot of artwork I would be interested in seeing.

Which are your favorite works of art?

Anything by Audrey Kawasaki, Junko Mizuno, Mark Ryden, and Tara McPherson.
But honestly I could go on forever.

I am moving to Japan soon to teach English! I was wondering, do you purchase your drinking water in bottles at the conbini's or use a water filter system from the sink that they have here in the USA?

I just drink regular tap water. I think buying bottled water is silly. I haven't seen any things to filter water in te sink but they probably exist and I'm just not paying attention.

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Are you studying in japan?

No, I'm not a student. I've been out of school for a year. I have a full time and part time job.
But I study Japanese in my free time.

What's on your summer reading list?

I'm currently reading "Doomed" by Chuck Palahniuk and I am sad because I didn't realize it was a sequel but I love it so far.

how well do you speak/understand japanese? how long have you been studying it?

I took 3 years of Japanese in high school, nothing for 3 years, 5 weeks of courses abroad at an intermediate level, and one semester at a college that wasn't mine because mine didn't offer Japanese... Which explains why there was a gap in my studies for 3 years.
So you can probably imagine that given the time between courses, my language skills aren't as good as they probably should be. I'm partially at fault though because I didn't study much on my own. I don't know how much you know about get Japanese language so feel free to ask me to elaborate on the following. I can understand Japanese pretty well when I hear it, I'm getting infinitely better at speaking and reading from being here but it's still difficult to read especially because I don't know all the kanji. I try to study some on my own now but honestly I pick up a lot more things through context from just going out and experiencing life here in Japan.

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Hey! Can you like some of my answers and follow me? Thank you ♥♥♥♥ btw: you're beautiful :)

I'll check it out. Thank you!! As are you xx

I'm just messing with you. Someone of your stature does not need to be subjected to that kind of filth and subversion. I simply enjoy looking, without touching.

I feel like most people don't need to be subjected to that.
ok t h a n k y o u.

You've helped me twice now, if you know what I mean ;)

That goes on the list of things I didn't need to know.
Now I wish I had told you I was 16.

Right now you are getting me through the day. i♥carly

Well that is certainly a good thing. Happy to help.

You don't know Bugs Bunny? For shame! You are forgiven for this indiscretion, as the contrast of your hair against your porcelain skin makes my heart smile.

I do but I live in Japan so I have forgotten my past life.
Whatever gets you through the day.

I like to mix it up. Your svelte form is visually appealing to me. I get overwhelming joy and gratitude from gazing upon it.

That took a bit of a turn at the end there.

You have immense pulchritude. I don't need to know you to know that.

You have an interesting vocabulary.

It is. I just don't know how to do it right it seems. How about this, you are are beautiful as the sun. You bring warmth and life to the darkness, just by being.

That is a really bold statement to make assuming I have never met you.

23 means you're old enough for me to all you fucking hot, and not be too creepy!

I think this is supposed to be a compliment.

what do you study or did you study at college/university?

I'm not a student anymore. My degree is a BA in studio art.

What's the most valuable thing you've held in your hands?

My parents would want me to say "my diploma".

What are your feelings on the palestine israel issue?

All human lives are valuable. I have no tolerance for hate. Everyone should be held to similar standards and those who preach kindness and equality should be practicing it as well. Israel should exist as a place that people of all backgrounds can live safely.

what are your thoughts on BDSM?

If it's consensual then people can do whatever they want in the bedroom and it's not a concern to me nor is it any of my business.


Language: English