

Ask @carlycarbonate

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Hii! I really want to live in Japan within a few years but I'm not keen on the idea of being an english teacher. I don't like little kids and I don't have a degree so I've kinda crossed that off my list. Are there any other well paying jobs for foreigners? I'm in the process of learning japanese! xx

That's how I felt before getting this job but the truth is that it's very difficult to find other work here that isn't teaching even if you do have a degree... unless you are fluent in Japanese. This is why many people just decide to teach for a year or so until their Japanese gets better and they can do something else. This is also the reason why I'm not staying more than a year because I want to do something more relevant to my interests but it's near impossible to get a different kind of job here since my Japanese level isn't high enough. One of my coworkers at my part time job at an English preschool does not have a degree but he gets paid less because of it too. But again it's a teaching job. You just have to be really lucky to find something else.

Hi! I was wondering how you survive in Japan as a vegetarian. I have been there twice and it's always been a struggle for me. Do you make a lot of your own food? I suppose that would be easier as a resident as opposed to tourist haha

I'm actually a pescatarian and I'm Jewish so I actually don't even eat so much fish besides things like tuna or salmon but it is a pretty limiting diet here mostly because vegetarianism or dietary restrictions in any capacity are uncommon here. I think if you're vegetarian you absolutely should know how to read/speak the relevant Japanese. In terms of buying food... I know all the words and kanji for the foods I will and will not eat, especially because sometimes if you just ask if there is meat in something, the server will say no but you'll get it and find.... all sorts of things in it that this person chose not to consider meat. You just have to be really diligent when you buy or order food. I bought a vegetable kuroke a while back and the label in the bakery said nothing about having meat in it but lo and behold.... so don't trust the first thing a server says or food labels unless they are properly made for something packaged. I also just know a lot about Japanese food because of my dietary restrictions so now I know which foods not to trust kind of thing. Though sometimes I honestly get lazy about working my way around traces of meat rather than actual pieces of it in my food because it feels so impossible ....
For work, I have to bring lunch every day because the school lunch always has meat in it. That gets exhausting sometimes though. And I do try and cook at home a lot because, like you said, it's easy to do if you live here.

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How is obtaining health insurance and seeing a doctor like in Japan? Maybe an English speaking one?

It's a national health insurance plan and my company set it up for me. I don't know how it works for other people. I just have to pay a bill for it every month and it covers about 70% of every visit (no dental). At least that's what I have been told... I've thankfully never had to use it.

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Would you ever do a blogpost on places you recommend going in Japan? ^_^ as im hoping to go in the next couple of years and I saw you liked the idea of planning someones holiday so i was wondering if you had any recommendations? :D

Yeah I really want to do this! I have so many places to recommend and I'm really excited just thinking about sharing them with people. I could probably go on forever so I'll have to think of a good way to organize the post. ^^;
Let me know if there's any kind of place in particular that's of interest to you!

Thank you so much for such an informative reply! I can imagine how frustrating it must be! Im glad to hear that you have had a good experience though despite these things :) but as you said all places have their downsides and you have try and not let them bother you! Thank you very much :D

No problem! I'm so happy it was helpful to you. n_n

What aspects of Japan do you not like/frustrate you? As I want to do a year abroad there and it seems like an amazing opportunity to teach there and encourage people to learn English!

It really is a great opportunity. Japan is such a fun place to live and you'll have an amazing time. But of course, every place has its frustrating qualities that you will have to adjust to. Here are a couple that I've dealt with.
Quite a few things are frustrating when you live here. Most of them have to do with the language barrier for me. The English literacy rate here is significantly lower than in other countries so if you live outside of a major city, it's especially difficult to get any assistance from an English speaker. Even within a city like Tokyo, it's still difficult if you don't know Japanese fluently. A lot of things are only written in Japanese as well. Really simple tasks become so time consuming and exhausting when they can't be done as quickly because of language issues. I sometimes take my language abilities for granted here because I get frustrated when I don't understand everything, but there is a lot that I do understand and I often overlook how helpful that is.
Another frustrating thing is how people treat you when you are a foreigner. I think because people from a variety of backgrounds live there, it's more difficult to pick out someone who is a "foreigner". But if you don't look Japanese or Asian at all, people notice you quickly and often assume that you can't speak any Japanese. Sometimes this isn't so bad if they go out of their way to help you under the assumption that you don't know any Japanese. For example, writing the price down for you at the register instead of just saying it to you. But, it gets really annoying when you can understand the kinds of things people say about you in Japanese when they assume that you can't understand them. My American friend's parents are from Hong Kong and Singapore and people often assume that she can speak Japanese or even is Japanese because of how she looks and so her experience here is really different than mine. Historically, Japan has been rather closed off from the rest of the world so I think that mentality still exists here. And it shows in the low level of foreign language fluency and lack of understanding of foreign people and cultures.
However, that is certainly not true of all people who live here. I have met some really cool people in my small inaka city who are really into learning English and are so excited to speak English with me and take me to some of their favorite places in the area. I think that Japan can be a very frustrating place to live if you can't just let some things go and be easy going. If you are able to just kind of blow some annoying things off instead of allowing them to bring you down, I think it will be a much more enjoyable experience.

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Would you recommend teaching abroad in Japan? :) Is it worth it? :)

This is a difficult question to answer. In general, I recommend it but I don't think it's right for everyone. And to me it was worth it but I think it depends why you want the job and what you hope to get out if it.

What is your dream job?

maybe owning some kind of artist (visual artists, musicians, clothing designers, etc.) representation company that works between Japan and America

how are you living in japan? i have been looking to do so through some form of residency or studying program. what is it like living there as a foreigner? are you able to get by / speak the language ?

I work as an ALT English teacher!
Living there as a foreigner can be really difficult, sometimes more so depending on where you live. I knew some Japanese before moving to Japan and have improved so much since I came but so many basic life things are 100x more difficult because of the language barrier. Many people don't know much or any English at all. u_u

I'd be happy with any videos you make! :D you could do a video on your favourite food, what you buy, days out somewhere, anything! :D you are adorable :3

Aww wow thank you!!
I honestly feel way awkward filming in public and my camera situation isn't ideal but since you asked and people keep following my YouTube, I'm going to try and make some more videos!!

I love your blog!!! ^_^ Will you be making more youtube videos? :) i really enjoy watching them :D

Omg aw this makes me way happy!
I always feel so awkward to make them, but maybe I should. What do you want to see?

How do you make miso soup? I cant find a good recipe that seems to work :/

I have just been using instant mix to be honest. Maybe you can find that.

Do you have your own wifi in your apartment? Or do you have to share it with your neighbors? :0

My apartment came with Internet but I had to get a router for wifi. I don't share with anyone. No way.

helo....what are u doing at this time....????

Now I'm about to go out to dinner but when you sent this 4 hours ago, I was at a zen Buddhist temple.


Language: English