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how many litters can a female have in her entire life before neuter her? There's a limit?

They can actually produce many litters each year and to a very high age. As a registrered breeder, I follow the rules which is to not have more than 3 litters in a time period of 24 months. Ideally 1-2 litters per year, depending on their health etc.

Apparently cats with pink noses are more likely to get cancer?

Cats with pink nose and light colored ears are at a bit higher risk at getting sun related cancer (SCC)
It is best to let them have a place in the shadow when they are outside :)

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How old are Muffin and Berry? Did they have their own litter?

Muffin is 14 months and Berry is 8 months :) They will have their first litter together probably next year <3

What is your cat muffin's breed? Is it a pure breed or mix breed?

Muffin is a pure bred Ragdoll :)

If I leave overseas for a few months will my cat still recognise me as his owner or will be act and be close to the person taking care of him during that time and treat the person as his new owner. So afraid my cat will not see me as his owner anymor

You don't have to worry about that, when you come home again you will smell different so he will probably not recognise you, but take a shower and put on some new clothes from this home so you will smell "yourself" again :) Cats are very sensitive to smells. But you don't have to worry about him not remembering you, this instinct is much deeper than that <3

Does neutering will affect her seizure problem?

You need to talk to a vet about this medical problems, I'm sorry I cannot help you about that.

My cat keeps on drooling and it has become worse since i brush her teeth. How to overcome this problem? Her saliva is all over the floor. Pity her! :(

You need to take her to the vet, there might be something stuck in her mouth, throat or nose. Please call a vet right away! This is not normal

Hi I don't know if we have different time zones or something but whenever I go on your site the chat is offline

It is not up and running yet :) I only had it up to try it out yesterday. I will announce when it is up and running and when I will be online :)

My cat was on heat about more than 3 times already. But i never get her mating. Is it bad for health condition? I don't want her to get pregnant because she has seizure problem and i'm afraid it'll become worse when she gets pregnant. Thank you.

But why don't you neuter her?! She will be so happy if you just end her problems by a neutering, I promise you that!

Update on my 2 years old shy ragdoll: she is starting to mingle with the family and follows us. I'm so happy! The only problem is she isn't used to the clumping kitty litter box and poos around the house. What can I do?

Im so happy to hear that! You are obviously doing a very good work with her <3
Have you tried to change litter? Add another box? Buy a bigger box? Many cats like to have one box to pee in and another to poop in :)

Do you have a photo studio in your home? You take amazing pictures! Would love to have pictures with your beautiful cats! :D

No not at home, but sometimes I put up a little ministudio at home :)
I have started to think about selling photos but just haven't found a way to do it yet. So you would buy photos of other cats than your own?

Are you going to mate Muffin soon? Would love to have a ragdoll cat like him!! Blue bicolor right or?

I will probably mate him after this summer :) I'm looking forward to it. Yes he is blue lynx bicolor <3

There is no picture of the comb. Or is there any other way to load the picture? That's mean i don't need to clean it? Because sometimes the yellowish becomes darker and i'm really afraid if there is infection.. :'(

Im trying again :) I can see that the photo is attached so hopefully you will see it now :)
You don't have to worry, if he starts to lick there often then you might have to take him to the vet to check it.

what things I can do to make my cat loves me ?

Make every moment together to a positive experience for your cat. When she comes to you, give treats and pet nicely. You may have to be patience and take baby steps but it will pay off in the end, I promise you that :)

hi.. my cat dosent make any sounds even when he is hungry..is there any something wrong with him?

Not all cats talk :) If he acts normal then you shouldn't be worried

Vår Ragdoll Nova har så många olika ljud för sig. Kan man på något sätt försöka tolka det hon säger? Jag menar, kan olika läten betyda olika saker?

Vad roligt att du har en pratis katt, jag älskar när katter pratar :) Du kan absolut lära dig vad hon menar, genom att helt enkelt studera hennes ljud och beteende. Ett ljud hos henne är unikt och betyder kanske något helt annat hos en annan katt, så det går inte att säga generellt vad just hon menar med ett visst ljud. Det är något du lär dig genom att lyssna på henne :)

HI. You said you used metal comb for your ragdoll. Can you upload the photo of the comb please? Because i don't know which metal comb suits most. My ragdoll also sheds a lot when i pet him. And one more question, how to take care of their genitals? His genital looks yellowish. I always clean his gen

This is the comb I use :)
When I took it out to take a photo, Muffin ran to me and wanted to get groomed :D
If you groom regularly, the shedding will be much less hairy :) haha
You don't need to do anything with their genitals, they clean them themselves and because their fur is white it will look a bit yellowish there, nothing to worry about :)
Liked by: Erza Scarlet

Can we apply to write for you/moderate? What do we have to know? ^^

Please email me at ask@catwhisperer.se and we will speak more there. Tell me what you can help with <3

Bor du i lägenhet eller hus dina katter värkar trivas så bra där

Jag bor i lägenhet :) Man kan säga att jag bor i deras lägenhet mer än tvärtom ;)

Where can I buy a norwegian forest cat like yours?

I cannot really answer that question. I don't know where you live or probably any breeders there. If you mean the colors of Thea, you can look for blacksilver mackreltabby with white :) And remember that all cats are individuals and because they look the same, they are all different <3 That what so special about them

Vad köper man kattleksaker på nätet... Kan du ge mig något tips :)

Några butiker jag handlar ifrån är

My ragdoll cat has fur always coming out especially when we pet her. Is there any way to decrease the amount of it?

The best way to decrease the amount of loose fur is to regularly groom the cat. I suggest once a day when they are shedding and once a week otherwise. This way, the cat will learn to love it and it will be a positive experience for both you and your cat :)
Find a comb or brush that works the best for your cat, I use a metal comb. Do not use a furminator on a ragdoll, their fur will get darker after using that.


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