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Thea har ju blivit lite rund :D hur ska du få henne ner i vikt? räcker det genom att ta bort tjejernas feta mat? Och vad är det för mat? Trodde de bara fick Barf :)

Ja hon är ju lite go om magen nu, så det blir mest blötmat och kött för henne nu så ska hon nog kunna hamna på en bra vikt. Småttingarna får just nu iams kitten, bozita, mjau och iams kitten torrfoder. Det är bra om de kan få lite hull eftersom en av dom kommer få vänta lite med att paras och kanske då kommer tappa lite vikt medan hon löper :)

När du är ute med dina katter lösa, är du aldrig rädd att någon av dem ska rymma/ klättra upp i ett träd och inte komma ner , eller liknande?

Jo det är klart man är beredd hela tiden på att nåt sånt kan hända men jag jobbar väldigt mycket med mina katter att lära sig ha respekt för mig när jag säger till, och det har visat sig funka bra :) De lyssnar ute. Jag skulle nog aldrig våga släppa ut en otränad katt

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Your feeding thing for Berry and Zinna that keeps Thea out, is it expensive? Also where you get it from?

I bought it at Zoo.se but you can search for SureFlap online and find your local dealer. It cost about $120

Hi, how are you ^-^? I have 2 kitties, female and male (sister & brother) both of them are 8 months. My male kitty is growing everyday he's big now..but his sister still small, she stopped growing I don't know why :( .. people are telling me maybe because she's female. Any Idea?Thanks ♥

I think that it is probably because she is female. This is very common but you need to see so that she is feeling good and eating everyday, otherwise you need to take her to the vet to see if there is something that is causing this. But Im sure that you have nothing to worry about <3

Please share some comparison photos of Zinna and Berry On the instagram, I am very curious about how they changed by months.

I will do that! :D Great tip! Thank you <3

What times of the day do you give them their meals? :)

I give then breakfast at 7-8AM, a little lunch at 1 PM and dinner at 6-8 PM

Hi how do you get good pictures of your cat

My best advice is to have good light. Lead the cat to a room that has good light or buy a lamp that has daylight :)

How did you get muffin in that movie? Do you get payed?

My cats are signed up at a modelagency so they contact us when my cats are wanted :) We will get a little amount for that

Answering your question.The vet appointment went fine!They didn't find anything wrong with him. I guess Im just a little over sensitive over him,If the slightest thing is wrong,I worry about him. Though he did put on 0.5 kg since he last visited, the vet says he needs to loose weight. Any tips?

I'm so glad it wasn't anything wrong :) If he is a bit chubby you could start to give only wet food, it is a good way to diet because you don't have to think about how much you should give or anything, just give wetfood is the best diet food :) And it is good for them too <3

What is your favourite activationtoys? Which ones would most cat prefer to play with? :)

This one has been a favourite for many years and for both adults and kittens :)

Do you keep your cats after they have babies?

Do you mean if I keep the breeding cats? Or the kittens?

Jag har en skogkatt (hona, innekatt) jag är lite nyfiken på vad som är optimal vikt för henne?

Det är svårt att säga för det handlar mycket om hur det ser ut i linjerna bakåt. Men jag tycker en bra vikt kan vara iallafall 4kg och gärna inte under det. Men som sagt, det är svårt att säga och speciellt utan att se hur hon är byggd.

I wish there was a breeder like you in the UK!! With you I have seen your instagram and know that your cats are very well cared for. But others you don't know the background information(like how the cats are treated etc) until you actually go and pick them up. Also no good local pet photographers :c

I'm so happy that tou say that, my goal is to make more people aware of breeding (both ups and downs) and that tou can get to know me before maybe buying a kitten from me, I have nothing to hide and would love for all breeders to do the same <3

Does Muffin has asthma or anything? (I know it was so long ago now that Muffin had Pneomonia, but I didn't see anything on instagram about his X-ray results) thanks :)

I'm going back for some last tests soon but they could really say from the last x-rays. So they will take some blood to do some tests from, but I could do that at the same time I'm doing his breeding tests later this year

Do your cats get up earlier than you in the morning? And do they make some noise to wake you? What is the first thing you do when you awake? And what would you do if your cats disturb your room in the morning, you know?

They all eake up when I do :) When they hear that I'm awake they start to call for me and muffin that is in the same room as me comes to snuggle as soon as he hear that I'm awake.
The first thing I do is to put the coffee on, give the cats food and clean the litter boxes, after that I enjoy my coffee by the tv :)

Hey Josephine, I would like to know what is the ideal age for the your cat's breed?

Im not sure what you mean?

My cat( only 7 months old) has been living indoor and i want to keep it that way, but when the sun starts shinins it looks like hè wants out. I have walked with him a few times but he just wants it more. Can i do anything about? Or Shoud i not let him out at all? (Not even walking?)

I think that you can take him outside sometimes but not so much that he become used to it. Maybe he's telling you that he wants better toys inside to chase :) Try some new toys that he can use his huntingskills on, he might love that :)

My cat is not feeling like himself. He has a vet appointment for injections next week but I don't know whether its worth taking him earlier

Hi, how did the vet appointment go??!

Hi! Maybe because we live in different timezones but I missed Muffin's first birthday! Happy belated birthday to him! Looking smart and manly with the tie♥ ps, my male tabby just turned a year old too! :')

He says thank you :)


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