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is this the first time Zinna and Berry and Muffin to see snow? you should let them out and do a photoshoot :D and when the babies grow up with them too :D

No this will be their second time :) I might take Muffin for a walk when the snow is not so wet on the ground like it is now when the first snow falls

can't you give Muffin a Neuterchip and let him become companions with Zinna and Berry than always wanting to mate them....

I have thought about that, but the neuterchip could make him infertile so I don't want to risk that quite yet

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hows muffin with the kittens? is he ok with them? grooming them? kissing them? <3

They will start to meet in few weeks :)

wouldn't it be a bad idea to get muffin a friend? because sometimes you have had "Accidents" of muffin going in the girls room without you noticing....this could happen with the new kitty too....

Not having a friend for him doesn't really rule that out either, I still have to keep the door closed. But with a friend he might not want to sneak out :)

#2 or...you can get Muffin a orphan companion from the shelter and that is fixed :)

I wish <3 as a breeder I must think about how many cats I have and how they are used. With a fixed cat here, that means there is less room for fertile cats and in the end that effects my breeding :/

#3 where is that black kitty that lives with your ex? can't you tell your ex you want him? and let muffin be his friend :D

Lucifer and Muffin doesn't go well together. It is hard to put together an older neuter with a fertile youngster
Liked by: Lovisa

My friend is holidaying in Sweden and can pick up a cat for me. Can I purchase one of the mitted seals within these 2 weeks?

No, they are not ready to move until late January

Hello :) I was thinking of Thea...wil you mate her another time so she will have her third litter or not?

Yes that is the plan :)

Hi :) at first congratulation to your new 13 Babys i want to suggle with them and now to my question i want to Buy an cat tree and i dont know which one whats the Best cat tree? the bananaleaf cat tree that u have or another?

Noura Noor
That is a good question, I go through a lot of trees and they all have different designs and quality. The one with the absolut best quality I have is ftom Peruns'nl those are very sturdy. The banana leaf is strong and look great, and the fabrics on that is washable
Liked by: Noura Noor

wow Memphis eyes were both shut yesterday and the other kitties only had 1 eye open....and i guess she said "I'm not letting you guys open ur eyes before me!" and she does GGGGAAAAA and then both of them open out of a sudden and tells the others "HA I CAN SEE U BUT U CANT SEE ME! WAT NOW! :P

Hahaha <3 Something like that :) (ps. Memphis is a boy)
Liked by: Lovisa

is Rhex going to be seal bicolor? or tortie seal like mommy? ...Zinna doesn't have a lot of seal but her mom was seal right? so Rhex can be like his Grandmother?

He will be seal mitted :) Zinna has a lot of seal on her so he will look a lot like mom when she turn her head to the side so you don't see her red part <3

do you agree of disabled people having cats? I'm disabled and i have a cat and i love her like she's a person! i feel like i can understand cats more than any undisabled person and i feel they love disabled people more than any other person ....its a very special feeling :)

A disabled person has no lower value as a person than any other <3 I have no reason to say no to that at all :)

Har kollat igenom din instagram lite. Så underbara bilder. Men lucifer? Var är han? Så magiskt fin katt..!! Va är han för ras?

Lucifer bor med mitt ex en bit härifrån, tyvärr hittade jag inget hem till honom som han kunde flytta till så han fick bo med honom :/ Gillar det inte alls men ibland har man inget val.
Han är en blandras och en mycket speciell katt <3

will you be mating Zinna and Berry the same time again? and have a big litter like this one again? :D cutie overload +2 :D

No, I will only mate one at a time. I was going to this time too but because of the health issues I had to mate them both

when you breed Zinna and Berry the next time....maybe u should breed Thea with them too :P so you will have 3 litters of cuteness <3

I don't even want two at the same time :) So no, that won't happen

(i know all your kittens are going to be longhair) but can you tell us the differences between longhair and shorthair? my cat is expecting and she's longhair...i don't know if the kittens will be like her or like the papa "whoever it is"

If you would know if the dad is long or shorthair I could tell you what the kittens would be. But now you need to just wait and see :)
And of course neuter your female after this <3

#2 can you like show us a demonstration in your instagram of Berry's or Zinna's kittens hair and a picture of a shorthair kittens hair? :) that would be so helpful :) ...thank you :)

Check the pedigree breed british shorthair for photos of short hairs :)

How will you choose the homes for the kittens when so many people want to adopt the same one? I really want one of your kittens is there an application that you will look though to pick the best one?

I will go through all letters I get and people I meet to get an understanding of what homes they have for a kitten and how much this means to them, and choose from the heart <3

It's worked out well:D we ended up picking her up a bit later than planned so 2 weeks after we got the boy&he didn't seem to mind her,she hissed a bit to start off with,now they r best mates!!They always snuggle together,its so cute:3 our vets dont neuter till 6months but they will do it at 5 for us

That is exactly what I would have thought, I'm so happy for you <3
Best of luck in the future, you know where to find me if you need help with anything :)


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