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My kitten is 5 mnths old & hides under the TV stand, couch & dishwasher(where we can't get her out), claws, bites, & runs away when she's in crazy mode. She's usually okay with cuddling when she is sleepy.. How do I stop bad behavior & encourage more cuddling?

You should read my articles on my website Catwhisperer.se. There you can read about how you can change this behaviour, and do understand that it can take time, but you will be rewarded :)

Hej igen! Det är samma lilla diva på tre år. Vi har gjort övningar, Men ibland när hon hämtar godis från min hand så morrar hon lite. Hon är bondkatt och jag har haft henne sen hon var jätte liten bebis då mamman dog. Varför morrar hon ibland när hon får gott i munnen?

Det kan vara hennes vilda instinkt som kommer fram. När jag har kattungar och de får godis i form av torkat kött för första gången så morrar de som galna medan de äter.
Prova att ge godis på golvet istället, men att hon ändå ser att godisen kom ifrån dig. Kanske är hon lite reserverad och litar inte fullt på dig att låta hennes godis vara

My cat was playing with feather teaser and start licking it and swollow 1 strand of the feather.will she be ok?

Just keep an eye on her, usually it just pass and will make a colorful outcome ;) If she loose her appetite and seem affected, you need to call a vet. But otherwise it is nothing to worry about <3
Liked by: Lovisa

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Hi, I have a 6 week old kitten. Since she was abandoned, we aren't sure what to feed her. She didn't drink formula out of a bottle, we think she's weened. She always has access to dry food, but we also give her wet kitten food. she's been having liquidy stools and vomiting. What should I feed her?

First of all, call a vet! This kitten might need help to be liquid up! Give both milk replacement and kitten mousse/ wet food. If she gets loose stool then try another kind. She needs a calm surrounding so keep her in a safe place without lots of movements and noises. The surrounding can make her stressed which causes loose stool, and not the food.
Get some advice from your vet, call them and ask to talk with someone that know about kittens.
Best of luck to you <3

Do you know what NFE stands for in the table of contents on a dryfood package..? Ex. Carbohydrates (NFE) 33%

It means Nitrogen Free Extract
Nitrogen free extract is basically what remains after the moisture, protein, fat, fiber, and minerals (ash) have been removed from the food.

What can I do for my cat if she's constipated? Will it help if I give her wetfood more often, instead of dryfood? Lately she's had very "hard" poo (don't know how to explain it in a better way..) and it has come out a tiny amount of blood because of that one or a few times. I feel bad for her :(

It might be because of the choice of food. Try another kind. When I give mine Bozita in any game taste, they get a little looser in stool :)

When you talk to your cats do u speak in English or Swedish and also would they get confused if you spoke in both ? :3

I only speak Swedish with them :) It might probably confuse them since the tone of words would be a bit different

hej min katt är nu inne på sin 3 dag hemma hos mig och igår s kräktes han, jag tror det beror på katt godiset som mina föräldrar gav honom men är osäker, han är inte van vid godis tror jag men det var inte mycket kräk utan bara lite och en gång, vad tror du? för mycket kattgodis eller sjuk?

Det är vanligt att de reagerar lite extra i sitt nya hem, sålänge han inte visar trötthetstecken och påverkat allmäntillstånd så är det nog inget att oroa sig över :)

thank you so much for the answers, I'll do the best for her! (I'm the one from your previous answer). Btw should I separate her with the kitten until she deliver the baby?

I don't remember what the ages where on the kittens, if they still feed of her they should not be separated. Otherwise you could do that, it might be a very good idea. And get her some fat food now, she needs at least double the amount of food <3

Hi I have two ragdolls one is 13weeks and one 9weeks. Currently both are eating royal canin kitten dry food because this is what the breeder was feeding them. I want to introduce them to wet food, which brand do you recommend for them?

I think you should get some Royal Canin wet food to begin with, so that the ingredients will be similar. Did the breeder really only give them dry food? And let a 9 week kitten go!? :O
So so sad...
Anyway. When they are used to this food, get some Bozita and let them try that

do you give something to your perg queens for having more milk? my queen will have the kittens this days and I think she doesn't have too much milk for kittens

No I only give nutritious food when they are pregnant :) Call your vet and ask you to help you, I'm not sure what you have in your country for this.
Best of luck <3

How do you keep your cats clean? I have a birman with a long coat and I can't seem to keep all the dirt off her skin. She's an indoor cat. I brush her daily. And she's constantly scratching herself. Help, please? :)

It sounds like you probably need to get her to the vet first, there might be more to this. She should not be dirty or scratching herself if she is an indoor cat

I just wanted to say that I wish everyone was as kind and thoughtful as you. Not just to cats but people as well. All cats deserve a life like muffin, zinna, and berry's. Your truly a great person.

Thank you so much <3 I have always been this way and I'm so happy now that I have find my calling and how to be able to actually help, not just hoping to. <3

how did you get your babies to be comfortable with having their claws trimmed?

marshall addington
I just do it regularly and we have always had a relationship that they know that I'm the boss and they can always trust me. It needs trust for a cat to be force held like that, without feeling forced

You can never give away or send any of your cats away ever. They have so much feelings for you just imagine how they would feel if one day you can't use them and give them away

I will have to take that decision when that day comes. When I bought B and Z, my intentions where to always have in mind that they might move away one day. Otherwise I need to stop my breeding and I really would like to keep providing the world with healthy kittens
Liked by: rabiatulmd

Do you ever hiding (hide&seek) from Muffin when you taking him outside ? Because from your last video on youtube, Muffin always kept following you whereever you go. Hahahah i just imagine if Muffin was a human, he will crying while trying to found you Ms.Josephine :)

Azis Haily
Haha yes I imagine him like that too :)
I can't really play hide and seek with him because he literally follows me everywhere :D

Hi can you recommend good wet food brands? We don't have bozita in Australia so what are some other brands you like to feed your cats? Does Royal Canin wet food seem good to you?

I don't know what you have :/ Can't you buy Bozita from Zooplus? I get it shipped from Holland :)
RC has a lot of fillers that aren't too good. Look for animal products and not vegetable products in the description of the food. The ones listed first is the ingredients that it contains the most.

My two birman kittens r from a proper home &they r pedigree &everything but they Always jump onto the table when were eating (my ragdoll does this but he never tries to actually eat our food) and they have really bad manors!! They are almost 5 months old..is it too late to change their behaviour??

No, it's not too late :) It is actually now that you should do it!

Hi, I have a female cat,she is pregnant now, but she already has 2 kitten that 5 months old, 1 male and 1 female. Lately she start hissing and angry to them, and today she start hissing at me. She never like this before when she pregnant. I'm afraid that she lost her trust at me. what should i do?

It sounds to me like this cat is not very fit to be a mother. It is very cruel to have her pregnant again right after her last litter.
Cat moms usually "kick" their babies out of their nest when it is time to move them to their new homes, haven't you find new homes for them yet?
Please please, spay her right after this second litter! This is not right for her.
You can only make sure that she can get through this now so she will feel better later.
If she is aggressive, there might be something wrong in her belly with the kittens. Please take her to a vet to just exam her <3
I hope you'll do the right thing for her
Liked by: rabiatulmd Lovisa

My friend saw blood in her cats poop .... She might be having ulcer .. What should she do now ?? Any changes in her diet routine ??

Don't worry, if the cat isn't showing signs of sickness, it might just be a broken vessel. That happens if the cat had or have loose stools or is constipated. If the cat is showing signs of sickness, you should call the vet to ask for advice

Where do you order your wetfood from? I wonder if animail.se or zoozoo.com are good options for ordering Bozita from.. It's much better to order big, cheap (more seldom!) and get it delivered home to you, rather than often and much more expensive in a nearby petstore. :) the store..!

You are so right! I buy Bozita at Zoo.se They have the best price for that food, also Zooplus.se but I prefer to support Swedish shops :)


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