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Is it necessary to put a collar around our cats' necks? My cat doesn't like it at all since he was a kitten.

No not at all on an indoor cat

When should a queen start nesting? And if she's a first time mummy will she know to nest?

It is individual. If the cat is chosen for breeding, and not just a cat that happened to be pregnant, she will probably know what to do. A moggy cat is hard to know how they feel about it because you don't know how her parents where.
They usually start a couple of weeks before due date

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If you had to choose any other job but a cat breeder and the bead shop, what would it be? :D

Cat behaviorist :)

Hej! Vilka märkes våt och torrmat är bra för sensitiv mage?min stackarn hade diarre och sket på golven bara men det blev bra med veterinärmatkur :) men måste väl lite köpa annan mat..

Om du ska ge lite just då katten är dålig så kan jag rekommendera kokt torsk och Hill's i/d det ger jag mina när de är dåliga i magen :) Och ta då bort allt torrfoder för det är för starkt för magen.

Hi! I just received a kitten today after someone abandoned her and her siblings at a local store, and I'm trying to see what breed she might be. Someone said she looked like a rag doll, and I know you know your stuff. So I was wondering if you could take a look. My Instagram is kristyn_says_

What a cutie! :O <3 It doesn't look much like a ragdoll but it might have a little bit of a lot of breeds in it. It looks to be a pointed cat anyway.
Soooo cute! <3 Best of luck to you <3

I really really really LOVE you and your cats Thanks for answering our questions that we send you And also thanks for sharing you cats life with us!!!

Thank you so much! <3

Have you ever heard of feline fayre cat food? I'm only talking about the black pouches and tins though. They're the only type of cat food I've found to have 54% chicken and 7% duck, it actually just looks like shredded chicken and duck in a clear jelly and it is the only wet food my cat will touch

I haven't heard of that. But it does sound good :)

:( so many people with pregnant cats but not enough information and asking you.... Backyard breeding or didnt neuter their cats :'(


Good morning Josephine, I live in the south of France and I would Love to have a ragdoll... Do you know where I could find a serious breeding? Thank you very much. Elsa.

What you need to do, is to contact a few of your local breeders and go visit them. Ask them questions about breeding tests, and ask them to tell you about each kitten's personality. If they answer that the whole litter is one way, than you might want to keep asking questions to know for sure that this is the right breeder. No questions is too stupid and any breeder that makes you feel that way is in my eyes not a great breeder.
Best of luck <3

Hej! Jag har en liten diva på tre år. Allt är på hennes villkor och hon kan kela till det en gång i veckan med att verkligen sitta på mig och pussa mig medans jag får klappa henne. Finns de något trick jag kan göra för att öka dessa stunder? Hon är ju sjukt underbar när hon myser till det sådär :D

Jag förstår precis vad du menar :) Jag tycker du ska läsa min senaste artikel på min hemsida Catwhisperer.se som tar upp några övningar man kan göra för att komma närmare sin katt. Den artikeln finns även på Svenska
Liked by: Mimmi Strand

Is it normal for my cat to occasionally not feel like eating? ( being picky) how do I help this?

It could be normal but hard to say, it might as well be something causing this. Have you tried to switch food?

we can tell how many a cat's litter by how many they mated and the quality of the mating?

We cannot predict by that, no. But there are bigger chance for larger litter if the matings are of the more successful ones

My kitten scratches and bites. I know she's only doing it because she wants to play but a couple of times now it's caused me to bleed. How do I stop her from scratching and biting?

A kitten will do that, but you should lead the attention to toys and scratchers instead. And trim her claws so they won't hurt you

It's that healthy for cat if she eat just dry food because my cat doesn't eat home made food just dry food (royal canin) it's that enough ?!

That is not great, and WILL cause a few problems on the way through life. I would suggest that you try over a few months to get her to eat wet food once a day, that is at least better.
You can read more about the facts on dry food at my site Catwhisperer.se

My cat is 1,5 he arrived to me today. My friend was here when he arrived and when she went home he went into hiding. Did it scarred him when everything changed? Cuz my tv was of when she was here and now it's on. What shall I do?? Am I doing something wrong ? :(

It might take a few days for the cat to settle in, and in the meantime he could be a bit timid and fragile. Just play with him and also read my articles on my website Catwhisperer.se to learn about some exercises you can do to bond <3

do you perchance know why cats like to eat their owner's hair? bcs my cat sometimes does it, a lot. esp when im laying on the floor watching tv

anisa ari
It might be a case of Pica, or just that it smells so much of you and he loves you so much he wants to eat you :)

How old were your girls when you separated them from gorgeous muffin? Also at what age did they first come in to heat??

They where about 4-5 months. Berry got her first heat at 4 month old and Zinna at about 9 months

How will you do Berry and Zinna alternate litters if they are having one together now

The one that is fully recovered first might be the next one to go :)

Hi! How do you know that a queen has finished to give birth to all her kittens??

I will feel her belly to see if there is anymore in there :)


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