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Happy birthday to Berry! I'm ao excited, I follow you since she came home for the first time and I almost don't believe she is one year old now! Congrats ♥♥

I know, she has grown so fast =O

2/2 who does out the way which makes it hard to not give her dry food so she eats something, should I start feeding them away from each other? Also thebone who doesn't like dry food always begs for wet food is that a medical problem?

I'm not sure I completly understand the issue. But if one likes dry food, and the other one likes wet food, then give them that? :) Dry food is not to recommend, but if you have a hard time giving wet food then it is ok so that they will eat something.
It is good for them to eat separately so yes, take one of them and put her in the end of the room or even in another room.
It can be difficult to have two cats with two different food schedules, but once you find a way that works for you all, it will be much easier :)

Hello! I have two female cats who have been around each other for about 3 years, they get along fine no fighting or anything. One likes dry food and the other rarely touches it, im starting to get dry food out completely but when I feed them both the one who doesnt like dry food pushes the one 1/2

I will answer you in your last post

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Är det sant att om man har parfymerad kattsand att då kan katten pissa på lakan och kläder som doftar typ till tvättmedel föratt de doftar liknande som sanden?

Det har jag nog aldrig hört talas om, men det skulle säkert kunna hända. Dock är det inget som gör att jag skulle varna för det, men undvik parfymerad sand så gott du kan, det är inte att föredra för katten

I have 2 mix Angora Persian cats, Kuki male born December, 7th 2012 and Fulla femaleborn 30th March 2013 for the same mother. They did not mate till now, as Fulla did not have her heat yet.... is it because they are brother and sister? Thanks

No, they WILL mate even if they are related so please neuter them now!

nu Cats' won't let me clip their nails:( what should i do? 2 ragdolls euhm..6 months old the orange cat remember:) only if They sleep i can clip their nails

Hen you should cut them while they are asleep :) It is a purrfect opportunity!

is it necessary to have annual vaccination? I read a lot of debate over this and cannot decide if i should do the annual vaccine for my ragdoll.

There is a lot of debate on this subject, and I always say that if you have an indoor cat that never gets in contact with other cats from outside, and if you don't have kids that drag dirt inside, you don't need the annual vaccine. But the vaccines may differ from what we have here, so call a few vets and ask the same question and see what they tell you. :)

the Nikon D7000 has a Scene mode right? it has pet portrait? have you ever used it before? if did can i see pic? ^_^

I have never used that :)

Hi.. I love your cats ... I want to ask what do you think about the plastic claws to cover the claws to prevent the cat from scratching furniture.. I tried to cut them but still she is scratching the furniture badly. thanks.

I think it is ok, as long as the cat is ok with it. I don't think it is legal here in Sweden and I would never use them on my cats. If the cat scratches the furniture, it is probably because your cat wants to tell you that all is not fine. It is better to try and find out what it is, and help him. Sometimes it is health issues, depression, boredom or insecurity
Liked by: Suad AlSuwaiket

What will the kittens first pedigree name be?

I'm looking for names now, all will be Butterflies :) So it will look something like this:
SE*Fjärilflickans xxxxxx

Hej! jag har hört att råa kycklingvingar är gott för katter och bra för deras tänder. Jag vill bara dubbelkolla med dig om det är det. :) och om det går bra att köpa en påse med frysta. Affären vid mig har nämligen inte färska.

Ja det går jättebra att ge :) Ge bara en eller två i veckan, om man ger för mycket ben så kan de snabbt bli illa förstoppade. I sin kost ska de ha ca 10% ben och om du ger kommerciellt foder så ingår detta redan så att ge kycklingvingar blir då extra ben (extra kött gör inget)

Hej Josephine! Vet du om det finns transportburar med kattlådor i? Har en väldigt åksjuk katt som spyr och bajsar när vi åker bil. Har provat Feliway osv utan reslutat... :(

Har ni provat åksjukepiller? Det bästa är att ta lite pauser på vägen så katten får lugna sig lite. Att ha en större bur med plats för toa kan vara riskabelt om man skulle krocka, så man ska inte ha för stor bur.
Ta helre fler korta pauser :)

SureFlap XL, got it! And what box size do you recommend? :)

It depends on the cat :) But make sure there is room to go inside without the tail sticking out and also to turn in there

Is your camera any good at taking action shots? My canon is amazing at taking still photos but anything moving and it's pretty useless lol ;D

Any camera can do that :) It is just up to which settings you have. The shutter speed needs to be at least 600 or more to freeze motions and the AUTO settings will never put that in so you need to switch to manual or shutter priority to do this :)

Did that strawbeary milk girl change (or delete) her Instagram ? I can't find it anymore. Poor kitty </3

You are probably blocket from it, I am too. But she could also have changed it. She is still dying her cat with unhealthy products, I have been told :(

Hi! your kittens these beautiful Don't you think it would be good to make videos on youtube on how to do them toys and food as the DIY photos that you upload to instagram? Greetings, bye

Thank you :)
I will do tutorials by photos on my site, but not videos. I'm planning to have that section up in a few months

We have a dog that always eat out ragdoll's food (I know we could train our dog, but because of somebody who is living with us, we can't) so we're gonna get a similar thing you have for girls so that Thea can't eat their food. :) Is there any advice? How big should it be etc.? ^^ Thank you!

It's a very good idea to make a food box :) I would suggest you to get the SureFlap XL I have the smaller one and it is too small now for the girls :/ I think XL is a more normal size

Hi! Do you have any advice on how to shave my cat's butt? :3 She always has poop stuck there so we decided we should just shave a little hair.

It might be easier to just cut it down, I do that on Thea. Cats can become very scared of the sound from the shaving machine and it could be difficult to get the job done. If you cut with scissors use one with round nose so that there is less risk of accidents

I have both male and female ragdoll kittens, male is 8 weeks and female 12weeks old. They are not from the same mummy and daddy. If they are not neutered will I have to keep them separated later on?

Yes. But neuter them instead, so you will have happy cuddly cat instead of hormonal monsters =P
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

My cat has been vomiting blood, I took him to the emergency vet asap, he's staying there today for clinic tests. They said he can have swallowed something that hurt his stomach (but I don't think so, I'm always so careful), or it can be a stomach ulcer. Is there something else I can do? :(

I' so sorry <3 There is nothing more you can do now but to pray and hope that the vet will find an object that could have caused this. It can be something that the cat chewed off from it's place, not just something that laid on the floor.
You have done the right thing and we will keep our paws crossed for you <3

Ms. Josephine, thank you so much for your kindness <3 It's the sweetest present I ever had, I love you both, Muffin just melted my heart. May God bless you and your four Angel. PS. when I got an answer from you, I directly shouting, however i still in my class.

Azis Haily
Haha <3 That is so sweet :) I hope you had a perfect day and Muffin tells that he'll be seeing you on Instagram! <3


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