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I was wondering what fruits are aafe for cats and in what portions. I would love to make my cat a mini smoothie eg) a couple if blueberries and some water but not sure how often if it it's safe. Thanks in advance

Never give fruits to your cat, for us humans it might be a nice addition but cats cannot digest fruits and vegetables

Hi I recently adopted a kitten to keep my cat conpany. The cat I've always had is 5 years old and lives mainly outside. She is very territorial towards cats that come into out backyard so u was wondering the best way to introduce the two. He is 4.5 months old. Every time she sees him she growls/swat

First of all, be patient! That is the key. Too many of us want the process to be quick, but it usually isn't. Of course it can also go seemless sometimes, but it is important to have realistic expectations and be happy for every little move forward :)
The kitten is often the one to approach the older cat first and to not be afraid. And the older cat now has an intruder in his territory, which makes him unsecure. Reward every little meeting they have, with treats, do not reward if anyone of them does something they shouldn't. It is important that they have some places to hide if they feel threatened, and can retire to just observe the other cat.
If you just take it slowly and read your cats it will be fine :)

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Hej Josephine, kan du snälla kolla din mail. Sen undrar jag hur muffin och zinnas kattungar kan se ut, vilka teckningar kan dem få?

Hej! Du kan gå in på www.fjarilflickans.se och se vilka utfall som förväntas av de båda parningarna :)

Should i be worried about anything? Although she knows her name but never responds when i call her. She is not arrogant kind of cat though but kind and playful. She doesn't communicates well either, i think she understands me but pretend not to. I don't know what to do. Help? -Persian calico 8.5 mon

You don't have anything to worry about, just try to find new ways to communicate and get close to her. Try and call for her and reward her with treats as she respond :)

I have a 8.5 months old persian calico cat.At first she enjoyed snuggling and slept with me but then i got busy and now she has grown apart.Snuggles among the clothes and comes to me like once in 2 days. Although she loves me and misses me when i am gone, i guess she likes to be on her own.

It is common for vats to change their behaviour in this time in their life, as they are being sexual mature and get other things on their mind and hormones that changes in their body. Kittens normally show a bit affection than older cats, but just keep giving her your attention and talk to her a lot if you might not be able to give her your full attention too often. Much can be done with just our voice :)

Hello, I have three year old neutered male, and I seem to have a dominance issue with him. As a kitten I spoiled him and let him get away with everything because he's always been so darn cute. I'm not really sure where to start I'm fixing the problem. Any advise?

What you must do to change this behaviour is to start ignoring him whenever he does these "bad things" that you need to get rid of. If you give him your attention, that is a kind of reward in his eyes and he will keep doing whatever he did to get your attention. To ignore is better than to punish in any way.
Liked by: Ola Amer

Min katt ska alltid komma och slicka, och typ nafsa på min ögonlock när jag sover. Och hon går runt och trampar hela tiden, och ibland så börjar hon typ "suga" på min hals.... Varför gör hon så? Tror hon at jag är hennes mamma? :)

Det är rena kärleksförklaringar :) Hon tycker väldigt mycket om dig och vill ha din uppmärksamhet <3 Otroligt gulligt :)

Being a breeder and taking care of newborn kittens is a lot of work. How do you manage it all? I read somewhere you can't be a breeder alone (as in just one person), that you always have to have somebody to help you out. Do you have that person? Or do you do it all on your own?

I really wish that I had that extra person, but I don't :( This is why I don't wish for teo litters at the same time, because I need to spend all my free time to socialize with them and would rather spend my time with 5 kittens than 10 :)
It is a lot of work, and I miss out on a lot of great discussion between two breeder friends to not have that too. I try to use my time now to read what I would otherwise discuss, and hopefully get the same result :)

Could you recommend me a few litter brands for my ragdoll? The reason I say a few is because I don't know if the no.1 you use will be available in my country! :) Please and thank you!

I'm sorry but I really can't. I'm trying a few out myself and it is a matter of what our cats like that we must consider. What me and my cats like, might not be what you and your cats prefer :)
Right now I use Compact Care and we all seem to like it a lot :D

Hi Josephine, Do you think you could upload a video of you, trimming one of your cats claws? I wanted to See how you do it to learn how I can do that without stressing my cat so much. Thank you!

I hope you have already seen the videos I made when trimming Muffin's, Zinna's and Berry's claws :)
Otherwise go to www.youtube.com/JosignDesign to check them out!

Jag vill jätte gärna köpa katt av dig, har kollat allt jag ska köpa till katten på supercat.se, men jag hittar inget klösträd som jag gillar. Skulle vilja bygga ett själv, men vet inte riktigt hur jag ska göra. Hur ska jag sätta fast rören? Har du något tips? Du har otroligt vackra katter föresten!

Jag tycker du ska spana in ex Zoo.se och deras utbud av lösa delar, så kan du själv plocka ihop ett träd som du gillar och kan senare lätt ändra om och köpa till om du vill :)

Would you be able to explain how to properly into risible a 4 month old kitten to a 3 year old cat. Te kitten is a male and the cat a female. I really want them to get along so your help would be great. Thank you in advance

First of all, be patient! That is the key. Too many of us want the process to be quick, but it usually isn't. Of course it can also go seemless sometimes, but it is important to have realistic expectations and be happy for every little move forward :)
The kitten is often the one to approach the older cat first and to not be afraid. And the older cat now has an intruder in his territory, which makes him unsecure. Reward every little meeting they have, with treats, do not reward if anyone of them does something they shouldn't. It is important that they have some places to hide if they feel threatened, and can retire to just observe the other cat.
If you just take it slowmy and read your cats it will be fine :)

I've stopped giving him fish completely. The chicken I'm trying it again. I don't know if the commercial wet food has pork in it. I can't give completely raw cause I don't have access to the supplements yet. They told me a blood test was useless so didn't do it

If the vet says that blood tests are completly useless, you should change vet. I have never heard anything more stupid!

I remember reading once that you gave away/sold Kokos because you felt she couldn't be herself in your house? How did you know that would be best for her? Did she have stressed out symptoms?

She was super cuddly with me every time I took her to an empty room and closed the door. But as soon as I opened it again she became more timid. That is not acceptable for me when I see that this cat CAN be cuddly and happy. So I need to put my feelings aside and think about the cat.

What do you have to do to become a breeder? And what is backyard breeding? Because i am seriously thinking of becoming a breeder of Rag Doll and I want to do it correctly and stuff? What do you need to learn? And what is the shortened name for ragdoll cause there is NFO and SIB and MCO

You need to learn about the breed, both health, history and estethics. And also learn the basics of cats. Read whatever you find and also on online forums, I leared a lot on what to expect for my first birth by reading other breeders stories.
Why you need to learn a lot, is so that you understand why you do what you do. Why you need all the health tests, hiw to mate two cats that complement each other etc. It is a hobby that cost a lot of money, and you always need some savings for it because you will never ever earn money from it.
Backyard breeding is people who are irresponsible to breed crossbreed with each other, and not do health tests, give the kittens their 2x vaccinations, microchip and veterinary examinations and they often sell the kittens too early.
I recommend you to just read whatever you come across about this. I learned about breeding for two years before I started.
Ragdoll has the ems code RAG :)

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älskar din instagram så himlaaaaaa mycket, och dina katter såklart! Men jag har liten fråga, när skajag kastrera min lilla tjej här hemma? Hur vet jag när hon är könsmogen? Ska man vänta tills första löpet? Kram

Tack, vad gullig du är :)
Detta beror helt på vad din veterinär säger. Jag kastrerar kattungar som är 9-10 veckor så det finns ingen "bra tid" egentligen. Men om din veterinär inte är utbildad för att förstå narkos för så unga katter så är det vanligaste att de gör det efter ca 6 månader. Katten behöver inte vara könsmogen för att göra det, utan de går på ålder och eventuellt vikt.
Så ring din veterinär och se vad de säger :)
Lycka till! <3

how can i introducé my cats to my dog? my dog is afraid of cats

If you just be patient and keep your eyes on them at all times, make some hideouts for them both to retire to if they get too scared, it will probably go very well :) But sometimes it takes time, so have realistic expectations

How do you will Live if a cat die? My cat i loved her, Kitty, die last month:(

I'm so sorry for your loss <3 The best we can do as we experience a big loss like this, is to not hold our feelings inside, but let them out. Otherwise it will only hurt for a much longer time.
I always recommend to write a letter to your kitty, and tell her how much you miss her and explain what happened, why you aren't around anymore. You will feel much better with a little closure.
Remember that whatever happened, the pain and agony is all over for your cat now, and all you feel is your own feelings. So do not stress over anything and let your feelings out, it will hurt for a while but you will get over it <3
Liked by: Ola Amer

can i "teach" my cats to go in bath? if They are sick it's not diffucult to bath them

A healthy cat should not take baths, so do not teach your cat to do this. It isn't natural for them or their skin

Hey, first of all: thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! So inspiring!! :) I have a question concering brushing a cat's fur. Our cat loses her hair and fur just when we look at her... it's crazy, we brush her regulary and try different brushes. Do you have any advice which bursh is the best?

Thank you so much <3
I would recommend a furminator (if your cat isn't a pointed cat) and also to get a metal comb. I only use my metal comb to get rid of the loose fur on my cats, and usually it can remove much more fur than any of my brushes can :)

My cat gets these big knots in his fur and I can't get rid of them. I tried cutting them out and I keep brushing them, but they just come back somehow. What should I do?

This means that your cat has a dence undercoat and need to be groomed regularly to avoid these lumps. It is not possible to stop them from appearing, since your cat is born with this fur quality. There are brushes for this, ask about this in a pet store and they can show you some different brushes to use :)
Liked by: Bella Bowman

How old are your Ragdolls & how much do they weigh? Ppl say ragdolls mature slowly & that they also end up very big. Does this mean a ragdoll will be very light in its first year compared to other cats but keep gaining weight & become huge?

My ragdolls are 1,5 years and 1 years old. They weigh 3.4, 4.1 and about 6 kilos.
The maturing and weight has all to do with genes, and all ragdolls will not end up the same size in the end. But yes, they do mature slow :)

We're just coming out of winter in Aus and my little boy (an 8 month old ragdoll) has started to shed his winter coat, which I know is normal, but there just seems to be so much fur. I've brushed him everyday for the past 3 days and still am getting what I normally would each week. Is that normal?

Yes that is normal :) You might need to brush once a day for a month to keep the amount of loose fur down

if i had $1000 how much of this should i spend on a DSLR Camera and how much on other equipment's and lenses...

It depends on what you want to photograph :) I spent about $1102 on my camera house and $365 on my lens. It is very hard to say what you should do, because I have no knowledge of cameras that I haven't used. But it is good to know that the lens is what makes the great photos, not the camera. But with that said, there are more things to consider. My Nikon D7000 is a killer when it comes to shooting in poor lighting, which I value very high because then I don't need those expensive lenses with a low aperture value, to make good photos in poor light


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