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but how can i trim her butt fur? she doesnt like it when i try it

Just take scissors and hold her like you do when you trim the claws :) They need to know that we are the boss, not them. Don't just do fun stuff, then they won't learn :)

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To new homes… so I don't know whether to buy kitten toys and food etc. because she might decide to keep the kitten. I guess if she keeps it I could give the kitten toys to my other kitties(3, 7)... I don't know what to do! They will be ready to go to new homes on August 27th

I think that you should talk to the breeder and tell her to call you as soon as she have made her mind about this, and then you can go to buy whatever you need. Most breeders give you food that the cat or kitten has been eating there, so you can just buy whatever else you might need like another litter box or something that isn't age related. They cannot have too many toys so buy a few and give it to the older cat if you will get her :)
Best of luck <3

Hi! I have found a breeder of ragdoll. They have neutered one of their female breeding cats and they are looking at the neutered's litter to see which she wants to keep to replace her. If she decides not to keep her we get the kitten. But we won't find out until the kittens are old enough to go

I will answer in your last post :)

Recently I had to get cleaners in cause my carpet was dirty and I think it stressed my cat he started sleeping in the litterbox I tried feliway don't see improvement

Do you have one of those carpets that covers the whole floor?

What makes you want to breed cats in the first place?

Because I love them <3 There is too few responsible breeders in the world

What's the requirement to be able to purchase your kittens?

I just need to know that the kitten will have a safe forever home <3

How long do cats take to give birth after pregnant? Do you sell it immediately or you will nurse it for about 3 months before handing it to the buyer?

The kittens is delivered about 65 days after the mating and my kittens stay for at least 13 weeks until they move to their new homes (Illegal to sell before that age)

Hellooo me again, I can't get my female kat to do her business in the box, and my male kat does in every box. She wont do it where he does, so she does it all in the corners of the house and doors. Help? This is from forever, not just now

Jessica Dueck
She is probably trying to tell you something, think about what you might have changed in your home, a tiny change can do lots of harm to some cats. Look to see if she is eating and drinking normal, otherwise it could be an health issue (very common trigger of this behavior) is she unhappy with the other cat? There is a lot that can do this, and you need to go over every little thing until you find the problem <3
Liked by: Jessica Dueck

My cats poop smells a lot and it often sticks to her butt fur (she is a longhair) what can I do?

If you give your cat dry food, the bad smell comes from there. Not much to do. Try different litters until you find one you both like :)
You can trim the fur in the back, it helps

How would I encourage my cats to drink more water?

Buy a drinking fountain! And you can also pour a little water in the wet food (if you give any)

Hei! Ragdolljenta mi på 7 mnd holder rundt halsen på Ragdolljenta på 2 år,og slikker henne på hodet. Den eldste aksepterer ikke dette, og slår etter lillepus. Kan jeg hjelpe hun eldste å godta kosen? Hun flyttet hit for 1,5 mnd siden.De spiser ilag og er venner,og leikesloss endel. Mvh Elin

Jag tror de bara behöver lära sig varandras beteenden fortfarande. Den äldre kommer acceptera det där mer och den yngre kommer nog inte göra det lika mycket tillslut :)

hello ! I love your cats, they are beautiful I wanted to ask you... what room are their litters?

Thank you <3 If you mean their litter boxes (?) the girls boxes are in my laundry room next to the kitchen and Muffin's is right next to my desk in the livingroom

Har du testat Pee Wee nån gång? Om ja, vad tyckte du? Om nej, varför inte? Vad tycker du om den sortens strö?

Jag använder det till kattungar vilket funka bra med dom. De vuxna gillar det inte så mycket och det stökar ner ganska mycket så jag använder sand istället

Do you make yo your hashtags? Where do you get them? Why do you hashtag I thought hashtags are for unfamous people... But your famous! :D

Haha :D Hashtags is to categorize posts :) Otherwise they are impossible to find. I have my tags in a note on the phone

If Berry gets pregnant and than a few days later Zinna gets n heat and pregnant will you let her get pregnant too? So than you will have 2 LITTERS in the same time :D

I will try and aboid that as much as possible. If Berry is first, I will ignore Zinna's heat but if there will be the other way around I must have them both pregnant.
I don't like that because I want to have 100% focus on one litter instead of 50% each

I have read online from breeders and they said the right age for a female cat to mate is at 1 1/2 year? Or better 2yrs old??

There is no general answer on that because it is different depending on breed and bloodlines. My Berry matured very very early and had her first heat at 6 months, which means that I risk her health if I wait any longer. You should listen to the cats, not the books always ;)

When a cat becomes mother, will she fight with strange cats to protect her babies?

Yes she would do everything to protect her kittens. But it is up to us humans to not let any "predator" near them

What would happen if Berry and Zinna would be in heat at the same time? What would Muffin do?

He would only be meeting one of the at a time so if the other girl is too distracting I would have to close a door between them

if i move my toes in my sleep muffin (my cat) bites very hard in my toes! it hurts! how can i stop it

The best way is to not let Muffin sleep where you sleep. If Muffin is a kitten he will probably stop this as he gets older

How do you train your cat to respect you other than saying their name loudly when they've done something wrong? Surely that's not the only thing you do to train them?

If you read the text on my hashtag #whymycatsrespectme on Instagram you will read more about it :)

I found this site of cat toys, is that the favorite toy of muffin? http://www.norsvana.co.uk/toys.htm

Yes they look very similar to it :) Muffin's wand is with a wire that could be pushed in to the handle too. And the bell needs to have a certain sound for him to really like it :)


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