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Is Iams an okay brand to give to my kitten?

Yes that is a good wet food to give your cat :) Muffin gets that a few times a week :)

If in the future the guy you date is allergic to cats what will you do

I don't see me dating a guy that is allergic or doesn't like cats :) But if it were to happen, I would pay for him to get vaccinated

Hej! Kan lägga ut fler bilder/videor på pyssel till katter? Jag älskar din senaste,jag gjorde en sån och dom älskade den! Tack<3

Ja det får jag ta och göra :) Har du sett den lilla bollfjäder ledsaken jag gjorde tidigare? Annars hittar du instruktioner till den på min blogg (blogg.agria.se/josephinenorman)

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How to know what your pet wants or needs?

Good question! You need to learn some basics about how to take care of the cat and how to know if it's feeling unwell. Then you also need to learn about YOUR cat, and how he expresses happiness, sadness etc

After how long can you stroke your cat again after it does something wrong that doesn't consider as a reward for them?

You can pet the cat a minute or so after, a stroke from you is not always interpreted as a reward so it is okay to do so, to give food or treats would be more of a reward in the cats eyes

Do cats hold grudges against you if you do something to annoy them or something wrong?

This is very individual, and some cats can be sad if you do something that they don't like. Cats don't communicate as we do, so take it easy if the cat does something that you don't like, because it is probably not an action of spite. So a punishment from you is probably not going to interpret as a punishment for the cat

What's a neuter chip?

A tiny microchip that makes the cat a neuter for about 1-2 years and then it wears off and they become fertile again

Tusen takk for svar! Kattene dine er supesøte! Et spørsmål til; jeg skal reise bort i 4-5 dager, tror du kattene har best av å være alene hjemme med tilsyn 1 til 2 gang per døgn eller har de det best på et kattepensjonat? Mvh Elin

Tack vad gullig du är :)
Om du har möjlighet att få nån som kan komma hem till katterna och se till dom varje dag så tycker jag absolut du ska välja det alternativet :) Det är absolut säkrast. Kom ihåg att ge katt akten mycket information bara, så de vet hur de ska göra i olika situationer

Hei!Jeg har to ragdoller,begge kastrerte.Chanel er en kosekatt på 6 mnd.For 2 uker siden fikk jeg Jasmine på 2 år.Kattene freste mye i starten, men ser nå ut som gode venner.Jasmine elsker å ligge på barnas rom, men når hun får kos vifter hun veldig på halen.Hvorfor?Hun oppsøker oss selv.Mvh Elin

Det kan vara av olika orsaker men en katt konverserar på detta sätt så jag tycker inte du behöver oroa dig över detta alls så länge det inte förknippas med några problem samtidigt

+ I have read so much books about cats but...I prefer to ask you, so what cat breed can I have if it will be my first experience? what breed are your cats? what camera do you have? Thank you! -AL

I have Ragdolls and Norwegian forest cat. These are both great breeds to have as your first cat.
My camera is a Nikon D7000 :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to all your questions, I hope you know it's much appreciated!

Thank you so much, I just love to help <3
Liked by: Azis Haily

Are female or make cats more attention seeking? What happens if they don't get the attention they want/needed? Will they ignore you since?

It hasn't so much to do with the gender, it is individual. But if you ask me I would say that males are a bit less complicated ;)
No they wouldn't ignore you if you cannot give them the attention that they want. But it might be a good idea to get new or more toys to activate the cat

What difference do you find between the personalities of Ragdoll and NFO ??

They are actually very much the same, but NFO are a bit more active :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

My cat meows quietly if I sneeze. Personally I interpret it as her saying "bless you" but is there an actual reason why she does this?

I think this might be his way of answering to your "strange question" :) Cats communicate in their own way, and many cats make these little cute sounds when we talk to them <3

Muffin as a wee nugget doesn't resemble him now at all while the rest look the same especially Berry <3 did you expect Muffin to grow up so handsome? He didn't even had his markings on his face back then.

I know :) much have happened since he was a nugget.
I had my hopes for him and I am so blessed with this cat and I am so happy that I found him <3
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

i love cats:) i love your cats muffin is the ONE:) my cat is named muffin too:) before i knew you excist:) why is muffin so perfect?!!! do you have any tips if you get your kittens brought to the new home?

Thank you so much :)
When you bring home a new kitten, slowly introduce it to the rooms and show the litter box and where to get food and water straight away. If there is no other cats in the house, there shouldn't be any problems with introducing a kitten to the new home.

If I pet or stroke my cat every time it cries for attention, am I spoiling him? Would you ignore muffin if he's calling for you? It's so hard to do!

As long as the cat isn't doing anything you don't want it to do, like cry out for attention during the whole night, then it is okay to answer his wishes :)
But a stroke from you can be interpreted as a reward so never do it after the cat has done anything that you don't want it to do.

What kind of camera do you use to take your gorgeous pictures of your cats? It works well to compliment their eyes exspecially!

Thank you :) I use a Nikon D7000 and a Tamron 17-50mm 2.8 lens

can ragdolls jump high?

In general Ragdolls are not very active but yes a cat can jump very high if it is an active individual

Catnip is something new for me, I know about Catnip after I saw one of your post in Instagram when Muffin overdosed of Catnip. Maybe, you know where can I find something that has similarity with Catnip, but in Tropical Country version like in Indonesia ? I'm really curious about this plant.

Azis Haily
My cats reacts more to the dry kind, and the kind that they really love is called YEOWWW and it can be bought in at pet store :)
Liked by: Azis Haily

What kind of food do you feed your cats? And do ragdolls grow up to be very docile cats if you treat them with love and affection? I'm getting a new kitten soon. Very excited

I feed them wet food, raw meat and sometimes they get dry food as a little treat.
If the breeder has done her job well you will probably have a very calm and cuddly cat for many years to come :)
Good luck with the new family member <3


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