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do cats have a super memories? beacause, a few years we had a normal house cat..we moves 80 kM away but the next day we didn't knew were he was! but fortunately he was chipped and people in our neighborhood warnerd us! but hoow the cat sat in the car! the cat walked to our old house! 80kilometres!

Yes this is very common :) Cats are very territorial and can sometimes have a hard time letting go of their last home so my suggestion is to not let him go outside until he has settled in the new house.

How should I go about finding local cat breeders? Search it on google or..?

Yes that might be helpful. Or if you know the organisations for ragdoll in your country, go there. All ragdoll breeders are probably listed there :)

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hey, my cat (1 year old) usually goes as usual to the litter box. Sometimes she pees next to the bathtub & poops in the bathtub. what can be the reason for this? PS the litter box is always clean, but it shares this with a male cat ( she hasn't a problem with him)

It might be that you need another litter box. The unwritten rule is one more box than you have cats, it is common that they want one for doing no 1 and one for no 2, and if you have two cats, you should have at least two boxes.
This can mean a lot of things, maybe she doesn't like the litter you use, if it has a roof, she might not like that etc. You can read more about this on my website www.catwhisperer.se
Liked by: Miiika Kaynaat zamir

Hi. I would like to know what breed i Thea and where could i find it?

She is a norwegian forestcat :) Look up some local breeders of this pedigree breed and contact them to tell them that you are interested in a kitten

How much is ragdoll cat. I want to buy 1 from the pet shop

Do not buy from a pet shop, you will probably just have a cat that looks like a ragdoll, but not have that sweet temperament that is special for a ragdoll. Go to a responsible breeder instead :)

Are you going to be selling muffin or zinna once they're breed a few times?

Muffin will never leave, the others we will see when the time comes

Muffin is so beautiful. I guess there are people asked a same question. What type of cat is muffin? Thanks!

He is a blue lynx bicolored ragdoll :)

I love your account <3 muffin is my lock screen! They are just so adorable! Thankyou fordaily dose of Zinna, Muffin, Thea and Berry, sometimes others too!

I love that <3 Thank you for following us :)

Did you travel to Spain to "receive" muffin?

No my friend traveled their to get him (I paid her to go on a vacation at the same time)

My cat walks around at night and knocks down stuff... I don't know what to do about it... :( any suggestions?

He is probably looking for fun stuff to do, he need some new more fun toys :)

I live in the UK, while my cat was a kitten we kept him in a dog cage with litter tray, water, food, little scarring post and some toys while we were out and hadn't introduced him to my other cat. Once we introduced them we didn't use the cage any more. Do you think that was cruel?

Since I don't know all the story and the condition of the kitten as it sat in the cage, I can't really give the right answer.

"Because it is very cruel, and cats deserve mich better than that" > Is it only to cats or all other animals as well?

I'm not familiar with the specific laws of all animals, but yes in my opinion it is

Hur kan ja vissa min katt att ja är ledaren

Ge inte efter när katten tjatar om att få som den vill, och när den gör något fel så visa då att du såg det och att det inte är ok (jag höjer rösten, knäpper med fingrarna och stirrar rakt in i ögonen på katten, har funkat i alla år för mig men jag kan naturligtvis inte lova att det funkar för alla)
Var försiktig med att bestraffa en katt som är skygg, det kommer göra saken värre.

Would it be easy for a 13-year-old to take care alone for a Cat?

It is not possible for me to answer because I don't know this person.

Hi! I've always been a cat lover but I am new to the whole cat fancy-ing thing (cat show, pedigree, etc.). I just want to know, what is the process like for breeders to register a newborn litter as pedigree cats. Do you go to some kind of office? Do people come to your place to verify the kittens?

Syazwi Mazli
I'm happy that you want to learn more about this :) I can tell you the regulations of SVERAK in Sweden.
You can have one litter of kittens without registrating a cattery name, otherwise you need to apply for a registrated name (mine is SE*Fjärilflickans) as you learn more about the breed of your choise you will also learn about what tests need to be made on the breeders. Then you mate two registrered cats, either your own or hire a male for stud service. As the kittens turn about 4-5 weeks it is time to register the kittens with the organisation you got your name from (SVERAK,Fife etc) and you will do this through a cat club that you need to be a member of. If you hired a stud, his breeder wants to get paid for the kittens before they will sign the papers that you send in to register the litter.
On this registration you will enter what the kittens will be named in their pedigrees and what color code they have etc, also you need to send in papers for the test results from the health tests from both mother cat and father cat.
Then you will recieve the kittens pedigrees in a couple of weeks that you can give the kittens new owners :)
And yes, all of these steps cost a lot of money, you cannot make any money from responsible healthy breeding.
With this said, the decision to start breeding cats was one of the best I have done in my life <3

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How do I get my younger kitten to stop suckling my older kitten?

Does any of them dislike this behaviour? Otherwise let them be :)

Rather than having a search button on Instagram (the compass) I know it as the Fjarilflickans button <3

Hahaha :D I love that! <3

I'm so in love with your cats they are really beautiful ! I'm also addicted to your daily posts on instagram :)

I'm so glad to contribute to your happiness <3 Love from all of us :)

Any tips for beginners on how to cut cat nails ?

Cut very little to begin with so both you and the cat can have a practice :) Only cut where the claw isn't pink
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir


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