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If my cat mate today how long take 2 get pregnant

You would see pinkish teats after day 21 and also weight gain, vomiting and apetite loss and also apetite gain.when it is about a week left, you could see and feel movements in the belly as the queen rest.
Please, be careful and do all the health tests on the two cats before mating them <3

Congratulations on 11k followers!! :) Is it any other breed you're good at than ragdolls and norwegian forest cats?

Thank you :)
As I only have these two, I have chosen to learn more about them and cats in general, not any more breed specific right now

What means Fjarilflickans

Butterfly girl
It is a dedication to my first Thea that was hit by a car while chasing butterflies. Her being is in all butterflies I see and I talk to her as she fly beside me. Fjärilflickans is my cattery name and what all kittens born here will be named (before their own given name)
Liked by: Azis Haily

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Thanks for your advice, I do have a laser pointer that my 2 moggies chase but my ragdoll has never shown any interest in, I sometimes wonder if he can see it or not. But he does have 1 toy that really he's him going, only thing is, it's disappeared, and the pet shop doesn't sell them anymore ;c

There are so many different toys on the market now, you will probably find some more that he likes :) If the one that dissapeared made sounds, maybe that's what he likes, or if it was of sisal then try another toy with the same material etc. :)

How do your cats recognize their names? Our cat names are gina and driver:) but i prefere muffin before i saw your awweesomee acc:) And i think Kitty's are very soft when They sleep in your shirt:)

They learn to recognize the tone of voice you do as you say their name, you can also say their name in different ways to teach them different commands
Liked by: Azis Haily

Are cats generally hard to care for? I am worried that my cat will not accept me because I spend to little time with it because I work... And would it be hard for a 13 year-old to are alone for a cat?

Generally they are not hard to care for, but they are individuals so all cats will not be the same. Try and find toys that your cat like, that can activate her while you are away, an active cat is a happy cat :) A 13 year old human should be able to care for a cat over a day as you are gone, absolutely :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Hello, my cat has a gastric problem and has been sent home after having shots and medicine, but they didn't get me anything to give him after this. He is still not eating and was wondering what I could do to encourage him to eat?

You should talk to your vet about what they have given him when he was there with them, and give them the same. I don't know the problem so I don't want to give any specific answer on what to give you. But one thing to always keep in mind when your cat has any kind of stomach problems is to NEVER give dry food, that is not kind to the stomach at all.

What cat food is good for your cat? Steralised female and male <- i don't know the word in ingelish) Ragdoll Born at 25-3-2014

Wet food or dry without grains and vegetables, and of course the best of all; meat :)

I want a cuddle cat like muffinnn!!! How did you do that? Spend much time and cuddle and? Genes from the family? And do you you have more tips?

Muffin is a product of perfect breeding, this is how he was born and bred. But yes, it helps to cuddle, but you have to stop when you see that your cat don't want to anymore, that is helping much more to be cuddly, than if you would keep cuddle even when your cat don't want to

In breakfast i give my cat cat food in lunch i give him raw chicken what should i give him in dinner ? ?

You give cat food as dinner too :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

How do you cat teach to be brushed? Do you have to let them sniff? And euhm how do you teach to teeth brush and how do you preventie hairballs

If you start early, they will get used to it very fast. You can get them to adjust and like it if you just take a brush and let them play with it a little while you do one or two strokes and that it is it for today. And the same next day, and then you start to do some more strokes each time and they will soon learn to like it. It is not only a way to groom them, but only to bond with your cat :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Are zinna and berry friends? And did you met muffin with zinna and berry? I mean get babies with zinna and berry

Yes they are very good friends :) Muffin will mate them both in the future, but not right now :)

och om mamman har/haft diarre så kan den "smitta" till ungen hennes eller beror det bara på maten som de äter?

Det är svårt för mig att svara på tyvärr, om diarrén beror på parasiter så smittar det väldigt lätt, men om det bara är pga reaktion på maten så smittar det inte till ungen :)

jag har en ca 2 år gammal norsk skogskatt. jag har märkt att hans"skägg" har försvunnit...är det normalt? det lossar mycket hår av honom också.. och hans andra öga rinner,det är riktigt en fläck där vart de rinner.. :) han är kastrerad typ en månad sen.

Detta låter inte alls bra, du behöver ta din katt till veterinären så fort du kan. Det kan vara något så enkelt som lite allergi, men kan även vara något mycket värre

how can i teach my cat that I'm the leader?

Noura Noor
It takes a lot more than I can write here, but in short: never give in to the bad behaviour. If your cat is screaming at 3 am, don't ever go up to pet, give food, let him out etc it will reward the bad behaviour and you are therefore lower in rank. Show him your are the boss :)

Are tag doll cats easy to look after? And is Thea a ragdoll? Plus I am in love with all your cats ❤️

Yes they are low in maintanence, exept for when they shed. And keep in mind that we all have low periods when our furry friends are sick, we need to care for them whatever it takes

Could you give me a little info on what you do and cat body language? I would really like to study cats and have rag dolls like you because your life looks interesting :3

That is sweet :) But when you are dealing with cats, you deal with real life creations and it takes a lot more that to just copy what someone else do :) Study your cats behaviour and body language, and you will soon learn how they talk to you. There are also a lot of websites where you can learn about the topics you like the most :)

How often should we give cat a shower ?

Only if the cat is sick and cannot clean herself, or if you are taking her to a show. Don't bathe or shower them otherwise, it will damage their natural oils and give dry skin and dandruff, later there could be other skin problems
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Are berry and zinna both in heat?? And why do cats not bleed when They are in heat

No none of them are in heat right now :) Cats reabsorb the tissue that we humans expose of (menstruation) and that is why cat's don't bleed :)

How can i prevent my cat from having fleas and stuff ?? What can i do to make my cats fur(short hair) look shinny and healthy ? :)

Im attaching a picture with my answer I gave yesterday :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir


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