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I fear that when I do get a cat, it only has a small amount of room to move in, but fairly enough... Is that bad and do you have any recommendations or tips on how to get your cat to bond with you?

Do you mean that your place is maybe too small for a cat to live in?
The first weeks is always important to bond with your new cat. Pet and cuddle a lot but just as much as the cat like to, otherwise he or she might get a bit upset with you. Listen to all signals that the cat gives you, it will try to communicate with you from day one, so you both will get along good :)
I will make some charts for my website Catwhisperer.se where you will be able to learn the cat's body language :)

What is the average price of a ragdoll from a good breeder like the ones you got?

The average price for pet quality is between 1100-1300 USD depending on where you live and if the parents are imported.
Mine are breeders and cost about twice that much. Kittens that are sold as breeders always has all the good qualities (if they are from a serious breeder) so it might be a good idea to buy a retired breeder that needs to be rehomed. They don't cost as much but will probably have the great features that we all look for in a ragdoll :)

My ragdoll is VERY noisy, he follows us around the house, shouts at us for food, even jumps on the kitchen table to be with us, is there any way to help prevent this behaviour?

He needs to be more activated. It is probably a sign of boredom and also a lot of love for you :) Try and find toys that really gets him crazy with happiness while playing. Buy laserpointers to activate him from the sofa when he starts to speak.
Best of luck to you <3

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How do you find a good breeder? Do you just google them near your location?

You can google to find breeders, and then it is up to you to find out if they are good or not. There are both kinds out there. A good breeder can provide testresults of the parents and will happily answer your questions about cats. If you feel that something isn't right then contact the next breeder. You will know when you find the right one :)
To choose a kitten from a bad breeder will make her keep doing that and you might end up in heartache soon after you have recieved your kitten, if the breeder doesn't care about the health of her cats

If Lucifer gets on well with Muffin, Thea, Berry and Zinna will you keep him?

No I cannot do that, he gets very unhappy around kittens and I would not compromise his health for my own ego. He needs to be alone or with cats that are in the same level of hierarchy

Is it okay for a cat of 11 months to get pregnant? Will she be able to take care of the kittens?

If she is mature enough, she will probably do a good job being a mom. It is a very strong natural instinct. But if possible, I would wait. And defenitly do health tests before she is mated.
Good luck <3

How important is play for cats? If i dont play with them, isit alright?

It is very important, especially if they are young. That's how they learn to understand their natural instincts. A cat with no chance to be activated will most defenitly become depressed and may stop eating or start to do their business in other places than the litter box.

Is it playing what zinna and berry on your last video's? And do you know a 'onesie' that is a really soft and fluffy suit! Do the cats come more by you or not? I mean do cats feel other fluffy things?

Im sorry, I don't know which video you are refering to.
You could get a blanket that is furry, cats tend to like that :)

Are the cats jealous between them ? (Sorry for the sentence I'm french)

Do you mean if they get jealous if I'm spending time with one of them at a time?

Why are your cats so awesome ? Would it be okay if I buy a rag doll cat when I already have a small dog she's is 1.years 2 months . What do you think ?. I love u and your cats I could be checking instagram all day just to see you guys pictures

Haha :) Thank you. I don't know why they are so awesome, maybe because Im awesome? ;)
Yes dogs and cats can go well together, I would suggest you buy or adopt a cat who are already used to living with dogs, it will be easier for you :)

When getting your first cat, is it better to get one at the shelter or from a breeder?

It depends on your expectations. A pedigree breed has a known background so you will probably know how it will be like, a cat from the shelter is completly unknown.
If you have the patience for a crossbreed that might take a while to be settled in, I think you should adopt from a shelter <3

I love seeing videos of Muffin cuddling up close to your head and kneading you on the arm/neck/face. :) Does his claws come out when he does that?

Syazwi Mazli
Yes they do but I keep them trimmed :)

You adviced the person fr brazil that her cats will show her the dangers outside? What do you mean by that? I'm going to talk my cat out for a walk some time soon.

I mean that the cat will react to the noices and items that it is afraid of, and that way you will know. For instance if you live near an airport with lots of planes flying low and your cat reacts to them, it might be a good idea to keep the cat inside :)

Thanks for the answer! And one more silly one, why NFO but not NFC? I love your cats pic on IG and wish you have a good day!

Thank you :) NFO is the registration code for Norwegian Forestcats as RAG is for ragdolls :)

What do you mean $1250 pet quality? And what currency is it in? What countries do you sell it to?

That means a cat that cannot be bred of. The currency is usd and people all over the world is welcome to contact me about kittens :)

I recently bought a NFO, pet shop said its CFA standard but got no proof, I don't mind that but how can I be sure that it's a pure breed NFO? I checked on some websites, only thing my cat not good enough is a straight nose, is it still a beautiful/pure NFO?

If you have the cat's pedigree you have a NFO, without that, it's just a "housecat" but still as valuable as a familymember :)

Why is muffins noseE sometimes very pink and sometimes a kind of dark pink

It depends on what he is doing :) The nose will be a bit darker red when he is playing or running around and more light pink as he gets tired and calm :)

Om du får en hona i din nästa kull som du vill sätta ut på foder, hur många katter får fodervärden ha i hemmet?

Helst inga andra katter, men det kan man diskutera när det blir aktuellt

Are fruits like mangoes (a small amount ) harmful for cats ??

It is not harmful for them to ingest, but you should not give it to them by choice. Have some dried chicken for them to give when you want to treat them to something nice :)
Liked by: Kaynaat zamir

Hur länge har du haft dina söta katter

Den äldsta av mina 4 jag har hemma är Thea och henne har jag haft i snart 3 år. Lucifer som kommer och hälsar på mig idag har precis fyllt 10 :)

Dear Josephine, I'm new in cat world. But I have some questions some times and no one to go.. I have a 1 and a half year old british long hair and a 1 year tuxedo. I live in Brazil and here everyone told me to not take them outside..And seeing your photos of them out side i want to make them go too!

It is up to you to decide if it is safe for them to go outside, and please do that with a harness. Take one of them at a time and try it, then you will learn what dangers there is where you live because they will show it to you

Min katt har kräkts 10 gånger men det ända han spyr är bara massa vit Varför gör han det?

Det är tyvärr omöjligt för mig att svara på, kanske har han fått i sig något som han försöker få upp. Se till att få i honom vatten, de blir snabbt uttorkade. Och imorgon bitti ringer du veterinären!
Lycka till <3

your thoughts on adoption and selling/buying?

The person who is looking to get a cat need to think about her own demands. If there is a possibility that she would put a cat on the streets that don't listen to her and starts to do things she don't like or aren't as cuddly as she want it to be, then I would suggest a pedigree breed cat so she will know all the qualities of the cat before buying. Otherwise I prefer if as many as possible would adopt from a shelter <3


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